Scott Simmons at PVC on the Current State of Text Based Editing
Well worth a read. I tried it out in Premiere Pro, and my biggest complaint is that if I edited from a sequence there is no option to cut the original clips in vs pre-composed clips.
Well worth a read. I tried it out in Premiere Pro, and my biggest complaint is that if I edited from a sequence there is no option to cut the original clips in vs pre-composed clips.
Post 342 from the excellent Cut/Daily and Johhny Elwyn.
He links to some places to get into using Fairlight in DaVinci Resolve.
From the amazing Darren Mostyn who is a professional Colorist.
These are some of the most exciting features in DaVinci Resolve 18, so here are some great tutorials.
Amazing how fast they move, adding in AI based trasncription editing and subtitles, a new relighting OFX plug in that works with the color panel and per timeline color management.
The freight train of Davinci Resolve Updates is mind blowing how quickly they add new features and make this program better and more stable.
Always good to see a dropped price, but hope it doesn’t mean these aren’t doing well. As it is such a cool thing.
Tangent Beta Program – Tangent : Tangent
This new engine in the beta allows you to not only do a custom mapping for DaVinci, but for other programs that don’t use the panel, though you must go in and program the positions on screen as it is basically faking mouse moves. So not full customization (not possible unless Black Magic allows it which is highly unlikely.
And everyone will need to program for their own monitor setup, which is a pain, but once programmed will work.
Arthur Ditner at OWC has this blog post.
This is great as I am not as experienced with Fairlight, though I have been enjoying using it of late.
Free Subsciption required, read it here.
This is another must read on AI tools, and while I know Runaway and DaVinci Resolve, I have not heard of the rest.
Things like Altered are going to change production forever.
It basically shows that the whole software is in here, but not activated for iPad yet, so that means it will likely be added in eventually.
I have seen people who are so negative on DaVinci for iPad, but I am psyched for it. To me it is basically the first full pro software for the ipad and I can’t wait to use it it with my Blackmagic camera.