Why does duplicating a timeline in DaVinci Resolve 18 force a new render?

Honestly this post is a question to anyone why might know, as I have been running into something very frustrating with DaVinci Resolve, and that is, why when I duplicate a timeline do I lose the render completely and have to let it sit and re-render footage that is still rendered and has not changed from the previous Timeline (DaVinci’s name for a Sequence).

This is especially frustrating while working on my short film, which has full color corrects and a good deal of noise reduction, so a render can take hours and hours.

I looked for this on the DaVinci forums and don’t see anyone mentioning it, nor any posts on YouTube.

Blackmagic Design has officially announced DaVinci Resolve for the iPad

The color Page looks just like it’s desktop counterpart

After being briefly shown in Apple’s introduction video fro the new iPad Pro, Blackmagic Design has officially announced DaVinci Resolve for the iPad.

For now it will only have 2 tabs, the color tab shown above, and the cut tab.

The Cut Page also looks much like it’s desktop version

Here;s hoping that the cut page will work with the DaVinci Speed Editor, which is Bluetooth, so that would only make sense.

They have also said there will be a free version and a paid Studio Version from the iTunes Store.

With the M2 Chip in the new ipad pro this should work, though the limited ram might be a bit of an issue, as will storage, so hopefully it will work well with external hard drives.

This will be released in quarter 4 of 2022!

How can Blackmagic Design manage this, when Apple hasn’t manged a version of Final Cut Pro for the iPad.

No Film School Was ‘House of Dragon’ Too Dark, or Is the Problem Your TV?

The Article by Alyssa Miller goes into the issue which is similiar to the one on the big battle at the end of game of thrones. And honestly we didn’t see it too much, but I have my TV properly calibrated or at least as well as it can be, and we have overhead canned lighting and can do it dimmer over us, so likely the room is darker than for the last season of Game of Thrones, but we do see this more and more. They are color correcting way too dark for TV.

And I think the problem is obvious. Color bays are too dark and they use too good screens in the dark. That is absolutely fine for films which are meant to be seen in a darkened room, but homes have light, and most people don’t watch television in the dark.

Honestly there should be a higher level of ambient light in editing bays for TV, to take account people have lights on in their house. And have a consumer display to finish to as well, to check how it looks.

I know on these signature shows they want you to turn off the lights and only pay attention to it, but that isn’t an option for everyone.

And if there are significant complaints, you are doing the grade wrong. You need to remember this is going to be viewed by people at home, not in a darkened theater!

Pro Video Coalitions Ian Anderson has a great article on ProRes

Iain Anderson at Pro Video Coalition has a must read article on Why ProRes?

Luckily ProRes has become pretty standard across my editing. Most cameras can record to it, and it works great, with so little processing power. Personally I don’t even like bringing any MP4’s in, and convert even them to ProRes Proxy.

Of course now with a Blackmagicdesign 6k Pro I have been shooting BlackMagic RAW and it in 6K certainly seems to take more processing power than ProRes, but it is also more compressed.

I would like to see how the M1 processors can handle H.264, which might mean less recompressing. I just see standardizing on a format to make Premiere work more like AVID, which has always been the most stable editing system.

I am having issues with Autokroma’s BRAW Studio in After Effects

I have been using Autokroma’s BRAW Studio Plug in since I got my Blackmagic Cinema Camera 6k Pro, because it allows you to select multiple clips to decode BRAW in Premiere vs the Black Magic plug in that works on one clip at a time.

I have run into issues with using these clips in after effects, with the current version I get the effects flashing on and off throughout the clip. You can see the results here.

This is a short from the Misadventures of Bear that I am currently working on finishing.

Talking to support and moving back to 2.7.1 resolved the flashing, but then removed the added built in LUT, which also screwed up the green screen.

My only solution was to use the Plug-in to save out sidecar files of the BRAW settings, and then compress them in Media Encoder which uses the settings of the sidecar and render the clips into ProRES HQ. I then had to individually relink the clips in After Effects, but then I could get the render to work with the correct settings applied.

I am still in contact with autokroma’s support, so hopefully this will get resolved, but they are having trouble recreating the errors on their end.

No Film School on How the Philosophy of Blackmagic Design Changed Cinema Cameras Forever

Jourdan Aldredge on No Film School has a great article on how Blackmagic’s cinema cameras have changed Cinema Camera’s forever.

And it is so true. They have made incredible inexpensive cameras that can compete with high end super expensive cameras.