Through working on @unity's acquisition of @wetadigital, I got to see the tools in action responsible for bringing this story to life and meet the PhD's behind them
I loved Avatar and I loved Avatar: The Way Of The Water, especially the 3D in HFR for the new film, and this thread has an awesome look into the behind the scenes, since there is no longer a CINEFEX magazine to cover it.
Liz Arcury at Daily Beast has this article. I just talked about Jonny Elwyn’s favorites, but this is another article that hits home for me, as I cut so many great DVD behind the scenes.
The really sad part is that most streaming is going to end up with commercials anyway, because that is the only way for it to make money, sadly the best part of streaming will go away. And so many movies are not available on streaming and almost none of their special features are available anywhere.
Even the one place that still does some special features, Disney does not go in depth enough. And I miss audio commentaries too.
Working on Lord of the Rings was a dream job, but BTS features got smaller and smaller, till they were nothing but using EPK footage, and now even that is gone for most features. It is really sad for film students, and film lovers.
From Johnny Elwyn, and I of course appreciate it after working on DVD Extras for years, including Lord of the Rings, King Kong and some of the Hobbit.
It really is such a shame that there are basically almost no special features being produced anymore, as they barely have any for streaming except for a few for Disney+.
I did love doing special features, but now there is basically only the EPK footage to make very crappy and short special features.