Wacom announces Cintiq Companion 2: UPDATED

I am a devoted iPad user, but the Cintiq companion is the one thing that could make me carry a different touch based computer. And Wacom has finally announced that it’s version 2 is coming out.

There are two versions, the Windows 8 Companion and the Android Hybrid, both of which work as a Cintiq Wacom table when attached to a Mac or PC.

There are 4 Windows 8 Models from $1299 to $2499, and 2 Android models from $1049 to $1199.

Of course the Windows Versions let you run full Photoshop or run as a Cintiq, while the Hybrid is an Android tablet that is also a Cintiq. So you can do much more on the go full work on the Windows model, but the Hybrid would certainly give an iPad a run for it’s money.

I love the touch computing on an iPad, but for artwork a Pen is always superior, and a Wacom pen has always been the best for tablet computing.

I have always wanted a Cintiq, but this would really be even better as you could take it with you as a tablet (though you would need some spare cables to carry with you and one set to leave at home for your home computer!).


Wacom releases the Cintiq 13HD


Wacom has released the Cintiq 13HD.It is $999. I has a 1920×1080 display that runs off of hdmi and usb, and has a resolution of 5080 lines per inch.

I would so love one of these, but they are just too expensive. I do love the rumor of a Wacom tablet though, as having a portable tablet that is also a Cintiq sounds amazing!