Harrison Ford’s De-Aging in the Dial of Destiny is the best yet, but still not there, at least for me

Wired has a story on the de-aging, and I saw the film yesterday.

I didn’t at all love the film, though it is better than the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. The opening 25 minutes, with Harrison Ford de-aged, while exciting was just too digital. The first 3 films have effects, but so much is with actors that this just made it look like a video game.

And to me the de-aged face often looked like it was at a different frame rate. To me it looked like maybe they liked the clarity of the face so much, that they didn’t motion blur it to fit in the shot? That would account for the odd stutter that made it look like it was at an off frame rate. Also the face didn’t seem to perfectly match the dialogue.

It just didn’t get there for me, and threw me out of the film, as I was watching the effect instead of the sequence.


Of course the story really lost it for me. I am not sure if there was more to it that they cut out, or it was just badly written.

I didn’t buy the CIA letting an Ex Nazi scientist have NAZI guards with him that murdered innocent Americans, and felt it needed more explanation. I get the CIA with the Ex Nazi as he was basically Verner Von Braun, but with Nazi Guards, really? Allowed to run around New York with guns?

Then when they take the Nazi’s boat and the Nazi’s see they are going west not east, they still manage to find them on the first try? Really? How about an explanation. Why have the whole clue hidden in the tablet if the Nazi’s don’t in fact need it.

Also the tomb raiding was lame. It was too short, and had inconsistencies (like the bridge getting broken and then being fixed 10 minutes later). And there was so little to figure out, just stick some rocks in water and find a tunnel. And the digital bugs being a throwback to Temple of Doom, were useless, made no sense and didn’t look very good.

Now people complained about the ending, but I didn’t mind that. All the films have been rather magical at their conclusions and I didn’t expect this to be any different. And I loved seeing the seige (though why didn’t the plane pull up sooner?).

And the action scene in the middle on the Jeep Jeep Motorcycles was great, and looked really good.

It was good to see Indiana Jones again, but not great. Letting the films go out with a wimper vs the thud of the Kingdom of the Crystal Skill.

Phil Rhodes at PVC on the idea that Filmmakers don’t want film, they want what people think film is

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Phil Rhodes has an intriguing article about how Film has become this holy grail, but in fact it isn’t modern film, which is very good, but circa 1985 film with damage and not low grain.

Honestly I never even heard of VidoVillage’s FilmBox which is $5000 to simulate film.

I find the film craze now nuts, as digital has gotten so good and is so easy. And things like the new Dune, which shot on digital, then printed to film and scanned to digital, literally insane.

Not that I think film should completely go away, but as this article shows it is more of an affectation now.

Kodak is releasing a new Super 8 Camera!

One of the surprise announcements of CES this year was Kodak’s very cool new Super 8 Camera! It will be $400 and $50 for a cartridge of film that you send and will be processed and that includes a digital scan as well! And it records sound to SD card.

Not only is this cool because most thought this format was mostly dead, except for Pro 8 Film (which crazily will do up to 5K scans).

I hope this gets some use at Film Schools, though I bet most have moved to digital.