The Misadventures of Bear short film has been accepted by the 17th Los Angeles International Children’s Film Festival!

My short fantasy film for kids has the honor of playing at the 17th Los Angeles International Children’s Film Festival in March 2023 at Wondercon! have build a web site for my short here, and it will eventually be able to view there. I am also going to be working on some behind the scenes features that will be posting here as well.

This is the first full fledged short, but I have 3 earlier Misadventures of Bear Shorts as well, that can be viewed here.

ProVideoCoalition reports that Adobe Premiere Pro used on 61% of film at Sundance Film Festival

Jose Anutunes wrote this article with the impressive fact that 61% of the films at the Sundance Film Festival were cut on Adobe Premiere Pro.

The whole Sundance Film Festival could be viewed online this year, and it is more impressive that so many films were cut in Premiere. And 78% of the films used Adobe Creative Cloud tools, especially After Effects and Photoshop.

There was certainly a time when films would only be cut in AVID, but with Productions it is so much easier to have a large project, and even multiple users.

Honestly I love the online thing, having been to Sundance Before, I was blown away by how crappy some of the venues were, and just being able to see the films online really does expand who can see the films.