I had Verizon FIOS and it became Frontier FIOS and now it is going to be Verizon FIOS again, wtf!

Engadget is reporting that Verizon is about to purchase Frontier.

I got Verizon FIOS years ago as soon as it was available in my area, as my dad previously had it, and it was great. I never had issues, their website was great and I could do anything I wanted to my account via the web and if I wanted to talk to a human it was always someone in the US and they were helpful.

Frontier I never liked as well. Their web site is awful and you have no control over your account or features, having to talk to someone. And that always meant long phone waits. And the speeds were never nearly as fast as they stated, though they have gotten better. I am on 1 gig internet and am getting 902 down and 850 up right now.

I just find it nuts that I started at Verizon, then went to Frontier who I was told was the company that actually did the service in Los Angeles for Verizon, and now back to Verizon.

Will this mean I lose my monthly discount on YouTube TV?

Verizon FIOS’s replacement Frontier is not the same service

I was a very happy user of Verizon FIOS and it’s amazing internet, but Frontier is continually proving that it’s service is not nearly as good!

First off the same internet speed seems much slower, but that is just my feeling, because the speed always shows up well on speed tests, though it does feel slower.

The biggest problem is the internet tv streaming! They took a while to add more than one user, but now that they have, the big problem is that now the TV logins don’t work well. In fact I have to log out and re-login every time to get them to work. Literally every time I try and watch a streaming show it fails, and to get it to work i have to log out and log back in. This is nuts! Literally this is nuts! This is a main feature now for many of us, and to have this work is one of the main feature that does not work! Are you kidding me? This should just work, but Frontier has not just worked since it took over from Verizon.

The Frontier takeover of FIOS has been a disaster! And this is not acceptable because I was not even told until I was already a Frontier customer! WTF!

More fun with Frontier Communications, who took over my Verizon Fios service

Already been pretty unhappy with Frontier Communications, who took over FIOS from Verizon in Southern California. They had many features not working, like being able to add your family to video users so they can also watch streaming video (which they seem to have added now, though in a much more difficult way than Verizon did, but it isn’t working right for my mom and she can’t watch Showtime), and the internet just seems less responsive and slower, and their tech support is not nearly as good as Verizon’s. Plus there is the fact that I never got any notification of the change and one day could not longer log into Verizon to see my account.

Well today we have been having weirdness with our home phone, where the people would call and there would be nothing, and if we called the phone never made any sound and never connects. So their phone service seems completely down.

So I decided to contact customer support, but low and behind, while Frontier’s sales site is completely up their account site is completely down.

All I get is Internal Service Error.

So I tried tweeting them on Twitter, but have not heard anything back and see tons of people from all over the country seemingly having problems. And even better they are saying you need to submit to them to try to even get money back for their downtime (which should just be automatic).

So far the service from Frontier has been very substandard. I used to love my FIOS, but now I am so unimpressed with their service!.

Frontier Communications has taken Over FIOS from Verizon on the west coast, and so far things are not good

So Verizon recently sold it’s West coast FIOS division to Frontier Communications, and the transition so far has been anything but easy.

First off I was given absolutely no notification of the change, in fact the first time I realized it had happened was when I tried to log into Verizon to check something on my service and they said I was no longer a customer! WTF! And it means that any Tripple Play service you had where you got TV, Internet and Cell Phone through Verizon for a discount, is literally not longer active since they are no longer Verizon!

Sure my TV and Internent have kept working, mostly. Actually TV seems fine, with the exception of some stuttering on shows, which doesn’t look so good. I use TIVO though so I don’t have the On Demand issue that everyone else is having, as I don’t get on Demand.

The internet, now that hasn’t been so good. While Broadband Speed Test still shows good results, as I pay for 75/75 Mb, and am getting 83.24 Mbps down and 90.98 Mbps up, but that isn’t the whole picture. As since the switch all my iOS devices get constant drop outs. Where the internet or an app (live the Marvel Unlimited App) will completely stall out. Now I have a current Verizon Router with WIFI as well as an Apple TV connected via Cat 6 Ethernet. And usually I have to drop whichever router I am connected to and manually switch to the other for Internet to come back. This never happened when it was Verizon, and is even weirder as one of the routers is also the modem, so why it loses connection I will never know. And yes I have restarted both routers many times.

And even worse is the services not implemented, with no time frame for their implementation! The two biggies on these are the aforementioned VOD, and also internet streaming of TV shows, with services like HBO GO. Yes the streaming exists (though with a new log in, that is much harder to find, especially with the crappy Apple TV remote interface), but Verizon you got 9 accounts you could set up and allow internet access to, so your family could all have their own accounts. Now you only have the main account! This is totally unacceptable. And Customer service can’t get the answer straight. My first call about this, said it would be implemented by that weekend, which was more than a month ago, and today they said they have absolutely no time frame to implement the feature.