Boris FX has acquired Imagineer Systems the makers of Mocha

Boris FX has purchased Imagineer Systems Mocha as of December 15th. Check out the FAQ at Boris’s web site for questions.

It sounds like the company will remain intact, and they will continue to bundle Mocha with After Effects. Lets hope this makes full versions of Mocha cheaper, as it is such a powerful tool for planar tracking. I have used Boris in the past, but it is the one suite I mostly stay away from, so I hope they don’t ruin Mocha, or force it into a Boris only route in the future.

I use Mohca all the time when you just can’t get a corner track, and though it is complicated, it does work so very well, so lets hope it stays as it is and just gets better from this integration and not get worse or go away.

Learn Mocha AE from Imagineer Systems on Vimeo

Learn mocha AE – Motion Tracking Webinar Recorded April 24, 2013 from Imagineer Systems on Vimeo.
Mastering motion tracking for Adobe After Effects with mocha AE. 

mocha AE is a planar tracking and roto utility bundled with After Effects CS6. In this 1.5 hour webinar, Dr. Mathias Möhl of teaches the basics of understanding mocha’s powerful tracking technology.

For more information, please visit

Imagineer Systems has posted a new almost hour and a half video on learning Mocha AE. This program has a steep learning curve, but it’s planar tracking is so good that it is really worth learning. Especially because it can track things that lose parts of them out of frame and still get a good lock.

And you can get several higher end versions of the program as well.

Imagineer Systems mocha Pro & mocha AE show reel 2013

Imagineer Systems has posted it’s Mocha show reel at Vimeo to show off it’s motion tracking.

2013 Imagineer Systems Customer Reel - mocha AE & mocha Pro from Imagineer Systems on Vimeo.

Featuring work done by our customers, using mocha's planar tracking, roto and visual effects tools.

Impressive stuff. This is a great program, though with a decent learning curve. Worth learning though as it does a fantastic job!

New Features of Mocha AE Included with next After Effects

Todd Kopriva has posted a list of new features of the included Mocha with the new version of After Effects.

This is already one of the most powerful 3D motion trackers around, but any additional features to make it a little more accessible are a great idea.

It of course sounds better. Wonder what the upgraded AE version will include? And with their technology now included in CoreMelt SliceX, they are getting even bigger.