More Problems with Apple Music on Catalina

I swear the problems with Apple Music, Apple’s iTunes replacement for Catalina never cease and they don’t get better.

I am stilling dealing with the items in folders showing up out of order in folder iOS sync, but here is another issue that is driving me nuts.

I know that basically they just want you to use Apple Music and not own your own music anymore, but I still own a lot of music, and when I create a new playlist in Music and drag the music I want in it to the playlist the tracks show up for a little while and then disappear. Now the music has been added to the library and I can go find it and then re-add it to the playlist, but why the hell if I add it to a playlist does it then leave the playlist. Honestly Apple What The FUCK!!!!

Apple needs to fix Catalina’s iOS Finder Sync

I was scared when I heard apple was breaking up iTunes and everything has been proved right. The sync is terrible.

To get any syncing working I have to let it sync once, and then click out of the iPhone in the finder make changes and sync if the sync button isn’t greyed out.

iTunes folders are showed in some completely random order in the finder.

In iTunes
In Catalina Finder Sync the same folder

What the hell is this? And the old iTunes applescripts to remove playlists from Folders no longer work.

And there seems to be no way to get custom Ringtones into your phone anymore, only payed ones. WTF!

And if you start a sync their is no way to stop it if say you need to restart your computer. In iTunes you could at least Force quit iTunes, but you can’t force quit iOS finder sync, even restarting the finder just keeps it going. I have turned off all automatic syncing and WIFI sync so that I don’t have to deal with this issue.

OMG iOS sync on Catalina is f***ing garbage!!!

OK so I been having problems with the iTunes replacement Music in Catalina since upgrading, but the worst part seems to be the finder iOS sync! Not only are anything in folders shown in the finder in completely random order, but the sync itself barely every works! if you select any music to sync the sync button gets grayed out! Sometimes if you let it do an initial full sync but make the changes in itunes after a sync you can hit the sync button and it will work, but it is far from assured that this will work.

It usually takes me multiple restarts, and connect and disconnects to get the damn sync to do anything, and I am running a fairly new iMac Pro! WTF!

Apple doesn’t give a shit about you syncing your own music anymore, they just want you to use their cloud music and Apple Music, so they have relegated syncing to the dumpster fire of Catalina Finder sync! WTF!

Fix for being unable to sync iOS devices in Catalina’s Finder

So my sync stopped working for iOS devices in the Finder in Mac OS 10.15 Catalina. As soon as I made any change to the sync the apply button was greyed out.

Well I went to my /Library/Preferences/ Folder and removed the and the file (I am assuming it just one of these) but after removing them the apply button was no longer greyed out and I can sync my iOS devices again. You should then restart the finder.


Update, so this fix is no longer helping me. I just can’t sync anymore. The sync button is OK until I make any changes, then I cannot sync.

Another huge annoyance with Apple’s Music that replaced iTunes, the Playlists have all reverted back to Playlist view!

OK, so I have another complaint with Apple Music, it’s music portion of the previous iTunes app for Catalina 10.15.

I have spent many years getting my iTunes Library just how I like it, including rating everything with Stars, and setting up my playlists just how I like them. And that has always meant View as Song vs View as Playlist which has been the default for way too long.

In iTunes you set up your default view with all the categories that I wanted, something like this:

And your new playlists show up with that organization once you switch to Songs instead of the damn Playlist view that doesn’t give enough information including track order. And it still does that.

The problem is that for all my existing playlists, and we are talking a FUCKING SHITLOAD OF PLAYLISTS they have reverted to the initial setup of these categories.

This is seriously fucked up! I have literally thousands of Playlists, and to have to change the settings individually for each playlist would literally take forever! WTF Apple! And I have always organized my music into playlists so I have a playlist for every album, but I put the year into the title so I can easily sync and know which year the album was! So I have literally a FUCK-TON OF PLAYLISTS!

I need a way to set the default setting and propagate it to all the existing playlists! FUCK ME!

I posted about this on Apple’s Ccommunities, not that I think there is a solution that doesn’t require me fixing every playlist individually.

Another bug with Catalina’s finder iOS Sync and Folders in Apple Music

OK so I have noticed a major bug in syncing with Catalina’s Finder iOS sync. I have some music organized into folders in Music (the late lamented iTunes music portion) and something has happened to the alphabetical order that it shows in sync.

Here is my music of Big Finish Doctor Who audio as it shows in Apple Music.

All the playlists are in alphabetical order in Music as you can see.

Now in the Finder iOS Sync that is not the case.

This is not in order at all. And the synced files are mixed all throughout in random order! WTF!

This is a huge mess!

I have posted both on Apple’s Discussion site and have submitted Feedback to Apple. And I have also posted on MacRumors forums.


UPDATE: So 10.15.1’s latest security update seems to have solved this problem. Unfortunately now I can’t get the sync working as it greys out anytime I make any changes.

iOS 13.1 on iPhone is messing up badly on playlist artwork for playlists I have synced from my computer

So I have noticed a really frustrating issue on my iPhone X on iOS 13.1 with the music app. I have all of my music organized into playlists by albums and I sync them by playlist, but on iOS 13.1 the album artwork is wrong and consistently changing on many of my playlists.

Here is an example.

The Playlist for Brittany Howard’s album Jaime shows as Tim Michin, but I click on the playlist it shows the proper artwork.

Even weirder is if click on <library the artwork has changed.

And it is again correct once I go into the playlist, but then it changes again when I come back out.

This behavior is incorrect and obviously not supposed to be happening.

I have posted about this at Apple Forums as well, and tried submitting a bug report, but it doesn’t allow pictures an this one you really need to see the pictures to see what the heck is going on.

Get Set Go new album on Kickstarter

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Get Set Go is releasing their 5th album themselves on Kickstarter and you can see I have already put a link to it on the side of the side, but here is their video on the project. So please give money so they can make their goal, and get a copy of their new album as well.

You can preview a few of the amazing new songs here.

Get Set Go is an amazing band, and are really good guys, so please do support them with whatever you can!