OWC’s Rocket Yard on Online Vs. Offline Editing: Why You Still Need To Consider Proxy Videos

Conner Stirling at Rocket Yard on Online Vs. Offline Editing: Why You Still need to Consider Proxy Videos.

Most things I work on professionally are 4K for a 1080 delivery, so you really don’t need Proxy with a fast enough RAID and mechanical hard drives, but my experience with 6K DaVinci Resolve RAW footage I have realized that a proxy workflow may be back in my future.

The problem is that for VFX work I need to work with RAW and my iMac Pro with only 64 GB of RAM is really starting to show it’s age.

OXFAM “I Hear You” Campaign that I onlined and localized!

So I already posted the Vanity Fair link, which has 6 of the videos, but the rest of the videos are up.

This campaign is about interviews with Syrian Refugees, with Celebrities reading their stories.

First off here is an article on Julie Ann Robinson and the I Hear You, Kelly’s boss who created the campaign over at Oxfam.

And you can view the other 9 videos at OXFAM America’s YouTube Channel.

An amazing campaign and I am really glad that I got to be a part of it.

OXFAM/Vanity Fair “I Hear You” Campaign for Syrian Refugees that I Onlined

Check out the OXFAM and Vanity Fair “I Hear You” Campaign that I Onlined and Localized in my home Editing Bay. This Campaign was done by wife’s boss Julie Anne Robinson, and is pretty amazing. Really worth checking out.

There are actually more videos than this for OXFAM USA, and then subtitled versions for various OXFAM’s around the world!