The Edit Doctor on NVIDIA Quadro Performance speeds with Premiere CC and my worries on new MacPro

The EditDoctor has an interesting article on how recent NVIDIA drivers have literally doubled the performance of Quadro’s for Premiere Pro.

And this is why I worry about the new MacPro. OpenCL acceleration is not nearly as fast as CUDA on the PC, and the Mac has always had a far inferior OpenCL installation. Multi GPU’s are incredibly hard to code for and only give moderate performance enhancements on even the most mutli-GPU aware games on the PC, so they are only for the most hard core of gamers. The only exception to this is a Maximus configuration from NVIDIA which is a Quadro with a TESTLA card (the non-consumer version of a Titan), which has incredible power and speed and really can use both processors. This all leaves the new MacPro in the code. Most software won’t be coded for multiple AMD GPU’s and even if they are the performance increases are usually pretty modest, and OpenCL can’t touch CUDA! So why made a new “pro” machine without the option for CUDA? The only argument I can see if form over function, and that seems to be what the new MacPro is all about!

Renderosity Reviews the NVIDIA QUADRO K5000

Renderosity has a great review of the NVIDIA QUADRO K5000 from a graphics perspective. The only thing I would like to see is something like a Geforce 670, 680 or 690 instead of a GTX 480 as the comparison to a standard card, as I would like to see it’s performance against another Kepler card, one for gaming and one for workstation graphics and see the difference there.