Premiere Pro Beta New Feature the Graphics Tab which brings Spell Check & Search & Replace!
I have to admit I haven’t been watching the Beta forum or the beta features recently (busy on edit jobs, and not even using 2022, actually the lead editor refuses to move above 2019) but I just saw this at the Beta Forum at Adobe User Voice.
So all Premiere Pro & AE Mogrts will show up in the Graphics tab, and you can use spell check and Search and replace, which is huge! Wow, this is super powerful.
And you can focus on specific tracks, so if you organize like you should…
Now you can double click to CHANGE ANY TEXT!
And Spell Check in 2 places!
My only problem is that I have had issues sharing Mogrts with people, especially when not on the same Adobe Account or sending it manually. but for built in Premiere Graphics this is amazing.
I have wanted a spell checker forever, now we need one After Effects!
And if the other feature this could really use, would be a batch change for graphics styles. I would so love to be able to select multiple text instances and change the style on them all.