Casey Faris DaVinci Resolve Studio 18.5 Relight Day to Night FX Tuutorial that is awesome!
From Casey Faris at YouTube.
This is totally awesome! I love it!
From Casey Faris at YouTube.
This is totally awesome! I love it!
Another great tutorial from Crumple Pop.
Another great audio tutorial from CrumplePop!
From Darren Mostyn’s YouTube Channel.
This is basically the most important thing about Project setup that you can do in Resolve to get your color correct, and it is complicated, so it is good to see it in a 10 minute video.
Another must read audio tutorial from CrumplePop!
From Casey Faris on YouTube.
Organization is so important and I hate that more people aren’t as organized as I am.
Honestly we need template projects that bring in your basic bins in every project.
From Casey Faris on his YouTube Channel..
This is very cool, as I have been doing some personal keys and don’t have enough lighting to really light the background correctly.
The video is less than 8 minutes and very impressive results.
This is pretty cool, check out this tutorial from Film Riot.