Blog is fixed, and all the archives are back up, and there is now a search implemented

I hope you continue to enjoy the blog.

Still will likely be going down for a period of at least a month and maybe more coming up as I have open heart surgery, and will not be able to do much with my arms until my sternum heals and really can’t sit in front of a computer. At least it will give time for my carpel tunnel which has been acting up to heal a bit.

Dan Frakes on Launchbar

Dan Frakes at Macworld has 2 excellent videos on my favorite launcher LAUNCHBAR. from Objective Development.

The first page is here and the second with more advanced features is here, but I have embedded them below.

I know this isn’t my usual fare, but I have become so reliant on Launchbar that I hate working on other people’s computers (which is an issue for an editor) as I use it literally all the time. It is the best time saving program out there. I don’t know how people get by without it! And these videos taught me some things I did not know, so they are worth checking out.
Launchbar 5 is $35, or $59 for a Family License.

Problems with blog

Currently only my oldest 2000 entries are up. It seems I can only upload 50 entries a day, so in a week or so the site should be all up and back to how it used to be. The only difference now being that I can have labels, but not tags.

Still the change should be worth it as I can now make changes and new entries while I am on the go, which I can already do on my other two blogs (since they are wordpress blogs hosted on my server), but this way I can just easily do it at blogger.

Hopefully will be done in another week, as I had other problems (category syncing errors kept me from syncing this weekend).

Why not so many updates of late

I have a genetic heart condition called Hyper Trophic Cardio Myopathy and it has gotten worse. So I am looking at surgery in the near future and since finding out I have had the worst headache, even after a trip to the chiropractor.

I will keep updating, but this has kept things slow for the time being. Just a little too much on my mind of late, and working a lot as well.

Still will continue with as many updates as I can do.

Misadventures of Bear Episode 3: Macy and the Fish

My newest short, the Misadventures of Bear, Episode 3: Macy and the Fish has been released on this very site. Just click on The Misadventures of Bear and you can watch the new episode, which is her first full adventure.

This relied heavily on After Effects to remove the puppeteer from the shot, so I hope you enjoy it.

Macgasm on getting iTunes copies of the horribly protected Ultraviolet Digital Copies

Macgasm has a good article on how Warner is now offering free iTunes copies for those unhappy with the Ultraviolet Digital Copies included with their recent blue rays.

I was one of those people, though I had thrown out my redemption code for one movie, so couldn’t get an iTunes copy of that, but was able to get one for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

Got to Ultraviolet’s Support Web site, if you too are unhappy with Ultraviolet.

Personally I already don’t like Apple’s draconian copy protection, but to add even more and have to use another buggy application to watch or badly stream digital copies does not work for me at all!

Speed up a slow updated Google Reader

For anyone else who relies heavily on RSS feeds, and Google Reader to read them, this hint is a real help. Google recently updated reader with an awful new look, and made it incredibly slow. Well someone on the Google Forums has found a solution that returns the old speed.

In either Chrome or Firefox Adblock add a new rule and enter the following text:


This should return the old speed, but getting rid of the +1 button on other sites (like it gone from 500px). Not an ideal solution, but anything to get my speed back!

And if you added a custom google plus feed to the Send To it still works.

Boris Soundbite replaces Get

BORIS FX has announced Soundbite which seems to be replacing Get for FCP. The Introductory price is a reasonable $295, but it’s normal price is $495, and it is only compatible with Final Cut Pro 6 and 7, not X or any other program. I think the licensing for the technology is too much as they are charging way too much for all these apps. They need to make it work for AVID and Premier Pro as well.
Still this needs to get out soon, as I was planning on using GET for this gig I am on, but it became unavailable, so hopefully will be released soon.

Free Invites to Google+

So if anyone wants an invite to Google Plus, just follow this link and it will get you signed up.

So far I am digging Google+, the ability to share with who you want to makes a huge amount of sense and it something that Facebook should have done long ago.

I just can’t believe that there is no Google Reader integration, as the Buzz feed just doesn’t connect (though you can see it in your profile). They need to add one entry that adds to google buzz, google plus and facebook all at once. And not just a Chrome extension, as I personally use Firefox.