5 new After Effects CC 12.2 features that resulted from Adobe visiting Users

The After Effects blog has some info on some of the new features of the latest After Effects CC update 12.2.

I love that Adobe is really listening and releasing new features and bug fixes so quickly! It is just really too bad that the studios are basically forcing people to use AVID Media Composer, when for any graphics heavy show, Premiere Pro is such a better solution, just for lack of render time, and saving time with alphas and exports.

My FitBit One Died, less than 2 weeks over 365 Day Warranty!

Really annoying really. They have a 1 year warranty, but it is 1 year and 2 weeks out and it is dead! What a pain. Have contacted FitBit to see what they say, but am not hopefully since they are so specific on their warranty!

It just won’t take a charge anymore!

SideEffects 1.9 Restores Color iCons to Mavericks Finder using Easy SIMBL!

SideEffects has been updated to version 1.9 and restores color icons to the finder.

This was a huge mistake of Apple to remove a few versions of the OS ago, and I used SIMBL to bring it back for a while, but it was not entirely stable, so I am glad to have it back and working. Why should you not see your own custom drive icons and have an easier time seeing locations in the sidebar?

Rev Up Transmedia on Understanding Stereo and Mono in Premiere Pro

Rev Up Transmedia has an excellent article and a must read for editors moving to Premiere Pro on how an individual audio track can be both Stereo (or even 5.1) as well as mono at the same time!

I have to admit this blew my mind when I saw it in Premiere. I had already been annoyed by Stereo or mono tracks in AVID, and having Mono and Stereo clips in the same track just seemed insane, but this article does a pretty good of explaining it and how you can avoid it if you would like as well.

Edit Geek on building a Hackintosh Mac Pro

Edit Geek has a good article on building your own Hackintosh MacPro to try and match the new MacPro’s apple will be releasing in December.

Still not the serious expansion I would want if I went through building a Mac Pro tower. For me it would have to be huge and I would consider Dual Xeons, though since all the new MacPro’s are not dual processor, maybe an i7 would be enough. Dual 6 Cores would be great though, as I could never afford a 12 core.