Surgery/Exercise/Diet Update

Very interesting. I have still been walking my 2.18 mile walk every morning, and even though I have parking passes, I have been taking the subway, not only to beat traffic over the hill, but because it helps push me over 10,000 steps and adds a bunch of stairs, though it does mean brining a spair t-shrit and a towel every day as sweat so much.

And I tried jogging for a week, and loved it, but then my knees seized up and my legs started really hurting, even after getting new Reebox running shoes, my thighs have been cramping up after around a mile and my legs have just been hurting.

Well last week I stubbed my toe so badly, and lost most of my nail on my right pinky toe, and it was hurting to wear shoes so I moved to my Hi-Tec strap on sandals, and my toe was so much better, but I noticed something else. My thighs immediately felt so much better, and my legs didn’t cramp up. So has it been my shoes the whole time. I do have a weirds stance and wear holes in the bad of all of my socks way too quickly! My legs do feel so much better.

So do I need flatter shoes? They are not totally flat, and my feet are still (but they are always sore), but my legs don’t hurt at all. Could be a coincidence, but I just don’t think so.

As for the diet, I gained about 7 pounds, but lost it again all within 15 dayd, but seem to be going up a bit of late, even as I manage to get down bellow 240. Stress might be part of it, and I have been eating later, as I am working 12 hour days, and have been eating till 9 PMon many days, so that is probably part of it. As well as having having Ice Cream a couple of nights a week (but mostly just salads for lunch and dinner.

And waking up at 3:30 AM, walking by 3:45 AM for 45 minutes, then walking at the subway makes not eating till noon so much harder!

And as for the surgery. Other than being tired from working so much, I feel pretty great. Not too sore (except a spot on my lower side of my back that has been hurting for weeks now, but I must have pulled something).

Honestly I am pretty tired, but 12 hour days will do that, especially with an hour drive on either end.

Woohoo, best news I have heard on RSS front, Reeder will work with Feedly!

So I got a new e-mail update from Feedly, and they are working with Reeder to make it compatible, along with other popular news readers.

Honestly I have been using Feedly quite a bit on the iPad, and it is good, though not quite as good as Reeder (especially with page navigation on an actual web page, which on iOS just seems to be the web site controls with no back or forwards button), though on certain things it would use it instead of reader, like looking at photostream RSS feeds.
And i still prefer Google Readers page to Feedly’s web page, but Feedly is decent enough that it may end up my solution.

PVC on Maxon Cinema 4D Intergration in After Effects CC

The ProVideo Coalition has an article on the Cinema 4D integration in After Effects Creative Cloud, and it includes a few videos from Adobe.

And on Cinema 4D Lite

I so want to play with this. Been wanting to learn Cinema 4D for a while anyway, as it would be really useful in my career, though I need to not be working 12 hours a day! Should go through all the Adobe Videos on CC, but there is not enough time in the day.