Surgery/Exercise/Diet Update
Very interesting. I have still been walking my 2.18 mile walk every morning, and even though I have parking passes, I have been taking the subway, not only to beat traffic over the hill, but because it helps push me over 10,000 steps and adds a bunch of stairs, though it does mean brining a spair t-shrit and a towel every day as sweat so much.
And I tried jogging for a week, and loved it, but then my knees seized up and my legs started really hurting, even after getting new Reebox running shoes, my thighs have been cramping up after around a mile and my legs have just been hurting.
Well last week I stubbed my toe so badly, and lost most of my nail on my right pinky toe, and it was hurting to wear shoes so I moved to my Hi-Tec strap on sandals, and my toe was so much better, but I noticed something else. My thighs immediately felt so much better, and my legs didn’t cramp up. So has it been my shoes the whole time. I do have a weirds stance and wear holes in the bad of all of my socks way too quickly! My legs do feel so much better.
So do I need flatter shoes? They are not totally flat, and my feet are still (but they are always sore), but my legs don’t hurt at all. Could be a coincidence, but I just don’t think so.
As for the diet, I gained about 7 pounds, but lost it again all within 15 dayd, but seem to be going up a bit of late, even as I manage to get down bellow 240. Stress might be part of it, and I have been eating later, as I am working 12 hour days, and have been eating till 9 PMon many days, so that is probably part of it. As well as having having Ice Cream a couple of nights a week (but mostly just salads for lunch and dinner.
And as for the surgery. Other than being tired from working so much, I feel pretty great. Not too sore (except a spot on my lower side of my back that has been hurting for weeks now, but I must have pulled something).