Fever not going to be my Google Reader replacement, as my server does not seem fast enough!

So I have been giving a lot of RSS readers a try and love that Fever syncs with the iPhone version of Reeder for the iPad, but I am pretty sure Fever won’t be my replacement choice. And it isn’t that it is a good solution. It works like advertised, and I like that it is self hosted, but that is also the problem. At least for me.

I use BlueHost for my web server and like it very much, but Fever seems to run really really slowly on it! I am talking an hour to update all my feeds, which takes minutes at most for other programs.

Adobe Anywhere Enterprise Solution Only!

Bart at Creative Impatience has the news that Adobe Anywhere is an Enterprise Only solution! It takes not one, but 4 servers to run! YOUCH!!!! And that works for 6-8 editors! And it requires 25-50 Mbps connection!

I was very excited about this, but not anymore. This is way too high end. They need to do at least iChat Theater so you can edit remotely with Premiere Pro like you could with FInal Cut Pro 7!

Behance ProSite Portfolio now included with Creative Cloud

This is not new news, but it is pretty exciting for Creative Cloud users, as the previously $100 a year service is now free to Creative Cloud Users.

  • Login and go to the Apps page on creative.adobe.com
  • Find the ProSite icon under “Other Services” and click on the “Get Started” link
  • You’ll be brought to the ProSite welcome page on Behance, where you can either log in or sign up for Behance to build your portfolio and launch your ProSite when you’re ready.

Pretty cool as part of the service. I will be checking it out soon for sure.

Improved GPU SUpport in Adobe Premiere Pro CC

Adobe has posted a blog about the “significantly improved Mercury Playback Engine” in Premiere Pro Creative Cloud.

It claims that the 64 Bit Architechture, the massively multi-threaded CPU optimization allow you to work without a great GPU, but with one is where things really shine, as we all know. And I love that you can enable a not officially supported card within the program without searching out the card name and modifying files. You can also use multiple GPU’s for export though not for playback.

Learn Mocha AE from Imagineer Systems on Vimeo

Learn mocha AE – Motion Tracking Webinar Recorded April 24, 2013 from Imagineer Systems on Vimeo.
Mastering motion tracking for Adobe After Effects with mocha AE. 

mocha AE is a planar tracking and roto utility bundled with After Effects CS6. In this 1.5 hour webinar, Dr. Mathias Möhl of mamoworld.com teaches the basics of understanding mocha’s powerful tracking technology.

For more information, please visit www.mocha-Pro.com

Imagineer Systems has posted a new almost hour and a half video on learning Mocha AE. This program has a steep learning curve, but it’s planar tracking is so good that it is really worth learning. Especially because it can track things that lose parts of them out of frame and still get a good lock.

And you can get several higher end versions of the program as well.