Maximum PC looks at Adobe Lightroom 5 Beta

Maximum PC takes a look at the newly released Photoshop Lightroom 5.0 Beta. And goes through new features, like the improved healing brush, the upright tool, the radial gradient tool, and a few others.

I will download if and when I have some time (could be unlikely with a 12 hour a day job coming up soon) as I find Lightroom the best tool to deal with Camera RAW (and yes I have tried Aperature and other than it’s interoperability with iPhoto it is just not as good).

More on the MOVI solo mode by Vincent Laforet

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Vincent Laforet has posted more on the MoVi and why he thinks it might be a game changer. And the following short, shot entirely single operator.

HOOD from Henning Sandström on Vimeo.
this short film was shot 100% handheld with a prototype MōVI M10 stabilized handheld gimbal over the course of 3 days in Hood River, OR.  used a Panasonic GH3 and operated the MōVI in single operator “Majestic” mode for the majority of the shots.

For more info on the MōVI click here:

Very cool. I so wish I could afford a MoVI!

Apple Announces WWDC in June, does that mean new MacPros?

Apple has announced the WWDC, or World Wide Developers Conference for June 10th-14th. 

This would be a perfect place to announce a new MacPro as these are Developers, and this has been a venue in the past, though Tim Cook in his recent call said that they had new things for the fall.

Honestly if there is no MacPro announced at the WWDC, it is time to start thinking of moving to PC, as I just can’t trust in Apple anymore. And they have had years to work on a new MacPro and the current model currently can’t even be sold in Europe! They need a new model and it needs to be before the Fall (if it is even then, as all we know is that Tim Cooke said something about a new MacPro this year).

The only thing that gives me hope are the new video cards, the NVIDIA Quadro 5000k and the GTX 680 being released for Mac.

Paul Tuersley Scripts at AEscripts

Paul Tuersley has released some new really useful scripts for After Effects. Check out his page, where he lists all 15 of his scripts.

He has released:

pt_TextEdit 2 for $34.99 which allows you to search and edit text layers throughout your project (awesome for text changes and spelling error fixing).

pt_EffectSearch 3 for $34.99 which lets you search for missing effects or where effects have been used, turn them off and on and even delete them or link them.

pt_ExpressEdit 2 for $34.99 which allows you to search, apply and edit all expressions throughout a project.

And older scripts he has include:

pt_OpenSesame for $69.99 which brings backwards compatibility via exporting projects as editable human readable text files.

pt_Multiplane for $29.99 which turns layered Photoshop or Illustrator files into 3D multiplanes with expressions to control their z axis!

All incredibly useful, though I would be more likely to use them if I wasn’t forced to work in offices so often. And his are a little more expensive than the average ones on AEScripts, but still very very useful.

New Features of Mocha AE Included with next After Effects

Todd Kopriva has posted a list of new features of the included Mocha with the new version of After Effects.

This is already one of the most powerful 3D motion trackers around, but any additional features to make it a little more accessible are a great idea.

It of course sounds better. Wonder what the upgraded AE version will include? And with their technology now included in CoreMelt SliceX, they are getting even bigger.

onOne Announced Perfect Photo Suite 7.5

Photoshop Support has the news on the newly announced Perfect Photo Suite 7.5, which will be free to current users, $199.95 for the Premium Edition and $99.95 for the Lightroom and Aperature Edition.

I see this as a must have plug in for all photographers and photoshop users. They give upgrades for large updates and the program is always reasonably priced!