Bare Feats has posted a part 2 to it’s EVGA NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 680 Review with Professional Apps

Bare Feats has posted it’s second part of it’s Geforce GTX 680 Review and the results are mostly good. It does get beat in Cinema 4D and Motion 5 by the GTX 680MX in the top of the line iMac, but that is likely because of the older hardware and buss speed of the now ancient MacPro over the newer hardware in the iMac. Still it does win for DaVinci Resolve, After Effects, and Octane. Hopefully it would really whoop ass in a new MacPro if that ever happens.

Awesome to have the choice now and not have to get something off of ebay that is many generations old!

Details of After Effects & Cinema 4D integration from Todd Kopriva at Adobe.

Todd Kopriva at Adobe has posted a document with details on the integration between After Effects and Cinema 4D in the new After Effects. He links to more extensive discussions, and then has extensive details on this.

Damn this makes me want Cinema 4D! I wonder if Autodesk and NewTek are on the horn working with Adobe to add something like the for their programs as this will really make Cinema 4D the number one 3D for ease of use between it and After Effects.

Logitech has announced 2 more harmony remotes

MacTech has the news on 2 new Harmony Programable remotes, these including bluetooth for connection to things like your Playstation 3 (used to require a separate device).

I had heard and posted about Rumors of Logitech getting rid of Harmony, so I am glad to see they are still working on remotes, and the Ultimate does look like a cool step up from my Harmony One ($349.99 is a lot for an upgrade I don’t really need though, especially without hugely new features).

Jim Jannard on why 6K at Red Forums

We entered the market way back when with a 4K camera. Our thinking was that 1080P was not good enough to replace film. We were right apparently… 7 years later.

What we learned along the way was that while 4K acquisition was certainly better than 1080P… it was not ideal.

A 4K finish from a bayer pattern sensor (what everyone does) begs for more captured resolution than 4K. A 1080P sensor (1920×1080) does not fill up a 1080P box. A 4K sensor also does not fill up a 4K box.

Our M-X sensor captured 4.5K in a RED ONE and 5K in an EPIC-X (or EPIC-M). Much better. The 4K box was almost full. 6K… the 4K box is overflowing.

Going forward, we realize that down-rezzing has a HUGE advantage to final output. Hence the 6K Dragon.

Not only do you have the option to recompose, stabilize, and zoom… the idea of down-rezzing gives a much better final output to a 4K delivery. It lowers noise. You get apparent sharpness without sharpening.

So while the others have joined the party… they have entered where we were 7 years ago. They have thrown the ball to where the receiver was… not where he is.

At some point you need to decide who you believe will deliver the future. The company with the vision, or the company that follows the vision. Who is ahead and who is behind?

If the company with the vision also happens to embrace their customers at all costs (upgrades instead of all new cameras)… you win every which way you look at it.

The choice is yours…


What makes me wary on the argument of downrezzing for more quality is there is no 6K or even 5K 16×9, so even if you go to a ProRES recorder you will get black bars on the top and bottom and have to spend time converting the higher resolution material and downscaling and pan and scanning. I think it makes sense for features, but for 1080, the non 16×9 resolutions really don’t make much sense.

Still I would love to have a RED EPIC with Dragon sensor if I could afford it.

Studio Daily on Ending the VFX Crisis

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Studio Daily has a really good article on what we need to do to move forward and end the Visual Effects industry crisis.

A very good article as it makes you look at it from both sides, and see it is not just the studios fault, it is also bad business practices within FX houses, and how both sides need to sit down and talk this out. And also interesting that Studios will often pay a change if they make a big enough change and it is in the contract.

I still think that Studios need to slow down on their insane schedules so that things can be done in a more reasonable time. A more normal schedule would make the whole thing more pleasant and lead to better FX in the end.

Blackmagic released new Teranax at NAB

I didn’t see this covered anyplace else, but Definition Magazine has an article on it. And you can check it out at Blackmagic Designs web site. $1995 for the currently available 2D version and $3995 for the soon to be released 3D version.

Amazing that you can get the best quality conversion for this cheap now, and it includes the video scopes software from Blackmagic as well.

I love what Blackmagic is doing. Doing amazing things for low prices, and really changing the face of the video market!

Barefeats speed test the EVGA NVIDIA Geforce GTX 680 Mac Edition and it is good!

Barefeats has some speed tests and things are looking good for gaming, though I would like to see some Premiere Pro and After Effects Speed tests (especially with the Quadro 5000K in the tests).

Now if only Apple would allow more than 2GB of RAM (yes I know the QUADRO 5000K has 4GB of RAM, but you still have to hack your mac to get a PC NVIDIA card to run that has more than 2GB of RAM).