John Brawley hands on with Blackmagic Tech Pocket Camera

John Brawley has an excellent hands on with the new Blackmagic Pocket Camera. And info on the 4K. Sounds like an impressive little camera, though with a little rolling shutter issues, that the 4K should fix.

Amazing that Blackmagic has become such an impressive camera company in such a short period of time! And $1000 plus lenses is a steal for a 1080 camera!

Lightwave 11.5 After Effects Interchange

Got this from Creative Cow, obvliously in response to the Maxon plug in in the new After Effects they are talking about their integration with After Effects, which is a plug in to send your scene to After Effects.

You just hit the GoAE button in Lightwave and it will send info to After Effects. It supports:

Cameras: Combine 2D footage and 3D elements by tracking the cameras of live-action footage in After Effects to cameras in LightWave. Move the cameras between After Effects and LightWave to achieve identical real-life camera movements inside LightWave.

Nulls: Send nulls from After Effects to LightWave and place them in 3D space for compositing.

Lights: Achieve the desired look by moving lights, including spotlights and point lights, between LightWave and After Effects for multiple test scenes.

NewTek also has a video showing how it works at their web site.

Of course no the rendering that the Maxon plug in will do, but still a good way to integrate shots more easily between Lightwave and After Effects. I wonder if they will get to work on a plug in like Maxon now? Hopefully!

PVC takes a look at Red Giant Bulletproof

Scott Simmons at the Pro Video Coalition takes a look at Red Giant’s soon to be released BulletProof.

It is basically a tool for DIT’s. It easily allows the DIT to Import, Organize, Review, Refine and Export your Clips. Allowing backups, simple color corrections and transcodes before the edit.

It is going to be $199 when it is released, though will start as a free Beta as I have previously posted.