Cinema5D on 2 new Black Magic Cameras a 4K and a Mini

Cinema5D has the scoop on 2 new Black Magic Cameras being released at NAB, and leaked thanks to flags.

You can see them at No Film School.

The $3995

Blackmagic Production Camera 4K

Compact 4K camera with large super-35 sensor, global shutter, Ultra HD and 4K support, built-in SSD recorder, touch LCD metadata entry, compressed CinemaDNG RAW and ProRes recording, Thunderbolt and EF lens compatibility, Includes DaVinci Resolve and UltraScopes.

The $999 Portable for Micro 3/4 Lenses (damn was hoping this would work with normal canon lenses).

Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera

Ultra-portable super-16 digital cinema camera with super wide 13 stops of dynamic range. Super 16 sized 1080p HD sensor, built in SD card reader, High resolution LCD, ProRes and Lossless CinemaDNG RAW recording, Active Micro Four Thirds lens compatibility, Micro HDMI monitoring with Overlays.

The 4K will make up for the decencies of the current camera with a Super-35 Sensor! And the $999 portable could be mindblowing! A point and shoot sized camera with those specs. Damn! That could really change everything and be kind of what RED initially promised with the SCARLET.

PVC on Sorenson Squeeze 9

Scott Simmons at the Pro Video Coalition has an extensive post on the newly upgraded Sorenson Squeeze 9.

You can also Check it out at the Sorenson Media Website.

Squeeze has always been a top not compression suite, and it has only gotten better here, with a great and easy to use interface, that is much nicer to look at and easier to interact with than Media Compressor it’s only real competitor.

Great to have integration with Adobe, AVID and FCP so you can compress right from them (though I still like Media Compressor being able to work from the project files).

The filter to add source timecode to a compressed clip is very very cool, and could dave so much time.

Pre and Post Roll stitching to add a video to the head or tail of a compression is a very cool idea.

It is $799 for standard and $999 for Pro which will render ProRES on a mac and AVID DNxHD, and upgrades depend on which version you currently have!

No idea what mine would be since previous to this version I have not been able to get Squeeze to work on my Mac since version 6, which came with Media Composer, but finally this version has solved that problem, and Squeeze does now run for me and run very well.

AVID Annouces Media Composer 7 at NAB


The Pro Video Coalition has the coverage of AVID’s Sunday night event. And AVID has a video at their web site, and you can sign up to get more info when it arrives.

Instead of 4K they have Flex Frame which lets you edit in either 720 or 1080, but have up to a 4k or 5k frame that you can pan and scan within (pretty lame since you can do 4K in FCP 7!). I am sure it will be a nice pan and scan, but still not very impressive.

And you can now treat any AMA folder as if is an AVID Media Folder, so it will automatically process, and can now transcode in the background (though I still prefer Premiere where you don’t need to transcode). And AMA is promised to work better. Background transcoding is great (though I would be happier with not having to transcode) and watch folders are a good idea, but nothing revolutionary.

Faster Audio waveforms is a much needed feature, as it always seemed slow and unresponsive. Still have to look at the waveform in the timeline for the viewer clips though, which is slow.

The price drop is a good idea, and is what it should have been since their $999 Final Cut Pro Crossgrade offer. $999 for Media Composer 7, and $1499 for Symphony and upgrades from 6.5 for $299 and $399 for earlier programs. I hate how 7.5 will be a paid update too, maybe they need something like creative cloud for $50 a month?

I hope there is more as this doesn’t seem like the revolution that will put AVID back in the black. I hope AVID manages to stick around, but I would think they need to start really making impressive additions to Media Composer and not just ho hum features.

Adobe officially announces Adobe Anywhere for Video

Adobe has put up it’s page on Adobe Anywhere, the exciting new technology which will let you edit from anyplace, with all your data stored on a single server! This is going to be interesting to see what kind of server it needs to be run on, but this could really change things.

Unfortunately you don’t see enough places willing to let editors work remotely right now, but this could change. They could have a couple of high end suites in the office, for meeting with producers and clients, and the rest of the work could be done from home without even having to give the editor the information, it just all streams. Wow! Just have to get companies to understand how great this is, so us editors can spend more days working from home!

NVIDIA Releases the GTX Titan


I read about this amazing new video card in Maximum PC magazine.

This is the CUDA leap editors have been looking for without having to invest in the super expensive QUADRO line. Based on the Kepler GK110 instead of the GK104, this single processor card has twice the transistors and almost double the CUDA of the GTX 680! The GK110 are the chips used in the TESLA K20X GPU.

2688 CUDA cores in 14 SMX unites and 6GB of GDDR5 memory at 6GHz and a clock speed of 836MHz with a boost to 876Mhz and a 384 bit memory interface! Damn! And for $999. It also has GPU boost which will let you overclock it and have it change performance based on heat!

You can check it out over at NVIDIA’s home page as well. And Maximum PC has released Benchmarks as well, which show it not as fast as the dual processor GTX 690, though for a single CPU it is faster (though they are the same price), but it will likely be better for CUDA for NVIDIA which at least on a Mac can’t deal with the 2 processors of the GTX 690, though of course we can only hope to get this running on a Mac anyway!

PVC Early look of new Premiere Pro

Scott Simmons at the Pro Video Coalition has a 3 page look at the new Premiere Pro.

This is getting me even more excited. The best thing is actually way down in the article, that you can now view audio with one click or keystroke in the viewer! Woohoo! Back to FCP 7 style ease of audio editing in the viewer!

And i sure do hope my Behringer MIDI control surface will work and not just EUCON and Makie surfaces! Hopefully any MIDI surface will work! Please please please Adobe!!

I do love that they are listening, even if it seems to take a little while, it certainly is faster than Apple ever did, if they ever listened at all, which to me FCP X proves they have not.

Now I just hope more companies chose Adobe over AVID, especially with the NVIDIA GTX 680 coming out for Macs!

Vincent Laforet on the new MoVi handheld stabilizer

Just before NAB the new MoVi handheld stabilizer with gyro stabilization and accelerometers has been announced, and there is video from it and of it. It is $15000 and they are working on a smaller one for $7500.

Here is the short film Movi:

MōVI from Vincent Laforet on Vimeo.

Here is the Movi rig in action:

MōVI in Action (Quick Video) from Vincent Laforet on Vimeo.

And BTS:

MōVI BTS from Vincent Laforet on Vimeo.

Sounds very very cool! And the footage all looks amazing for being handheld. Pretty damn impressive. The world needs more of these so we get away from the horrible shaky cam that has become so prevalent of late! This could replace steady cam. And I bet you could make an amazing rig to attach it to your body and not make your arms quite so tired as well.

How if only someone could come up with one for much cheaper, though it certainly wouldn’t be as impressive. Wow.