8 Hour Diet has levelled off

Wow, that was fast. After losing 10 pounds in 1 week the diet seems to have just stopped for me. I am still eating healthy, mostly salads, though some left overs for lunch. And I have fasted for 16 hours each day, and haven’t been eating anything bad at all, but not only have I stopped losing weight, I have gained back a pound and a half, and am now staying completely level.

Now either the diet has stopped working as my body got acclimated, which sure didn’t take long or my body has shifted. I have noticed I am pooping at least a few more times before i eat at noon, so maybe i am just not relieving enough waste during the night, it is going before i eat. Will weight myself before noon this weekend (though I can’t do that during the week as I will be at work) and just see what it says (probably won’t be right as I will have drank liquid by then HMMM).

I sure hope this isn’t all I got, as I am not even down to my pre-surgery heavy weight, and I really need to lose at least 50 pounds, and would like to lose 75. And am still exercising quite a bit!


So I went for my long walk and went to the bathroom again, and I did go down a bit more to 248.3, and now it is time to have some water, and soon lunch (not being good today, a Reuben at Brent’s is in my future).

Blackmagic Design has updated DaVinci Resolve to 9.1 with Retina Display Support

Creative Cow has the press release. As always you can download the free version from Blackmagic Design.

Here are the new features.

  • Support for Apple Macbook Retina technology.
  • Support in XML for FCP X Audition.
  • Improved XML integration for better workflows between Resolve, FCP X and Final Cut Pro 7.
  • Integration with DeckLink 4K Extreme.
  • Includes CinemaDNG Input Device Transform (IDT) for grading Raw images in ACES workflows.
  • Ability to generate new AAF for MXF audio renders.
  • Improved chase audio feature allowing specification in either frames or seconds.
  • Support for timeline audio when PowerMastering.
  • Playback support for Sony Raw F55/F5 files.
  • Improved rendering times for Sony CineAlta SStP files.
  • Playback support for the Red Mysterium-X Monochrome sensor (software decode only).
  • Playback and render support for DNxHD 100.
  • New ASC CDL metadata extraction from ARRIRAW headers.
  • Matte clips can now be assigned to multiple clips in the Media Pool.
  • Red Rocket can now be disabled from Preferences.
  • NTSC DV playback supports both 4X3 and 16×9 aspect ratios.

I really need to spend the time and learn this, whenever I get some free time that is!

How to Fix Shockwave Flash crashes in Google Chrome

I found this article at How-To Geek after having a lot of trouble with my personal copy of Chrome I am using at work (I use Chrome Portable in a password protected disk image that I cary on a USB Key, and of course my LastPass installs all use Google Authenticator for login anyway) since it has a much newer version of flash.

I did switch it up and disable the local copy of Chrome instead of my browser version, and I have stopped getting the Shockwave crash, though it has done nothing for my issues with Amazon Cloud Player, that I have been having (and recently documented).

EDIT: Ha, didn’t work. Maybe I do need to disable Chrome’s Flash Plug In.

Douglas Trumbull on HFR Filmmaking Part 1

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movieScope Magazine has a very cool interview with Visual Effects legend Douglas Trumbull on HFR. Makes it sound like Cameron’s 60FPS HFR will be much more impressive than the Hobbit’s 48 FPS, and he hopes the studios don’t pull it because of the negative press HFR has been getting.

I have to agree that I hope it doesn’t get pulled either as I liked 48, just couldn’t get over the keystone cops effects that it gave me throughout the Hobbit.

8 Hour Diet Update, Day 8

Down to 247.7, that means another 1.2 pounds in a day! I have never had results like this from a diet, EVER!

And I am doing the same exercise I was doing pre-diet! 30 minutes on treadmill and some kettlebells, though that is being supplemented by going on the subway, which adds at least 3500 steps in a day, plus lots of stairs. Soon though it will warm up and I will start doing the big 2.1 walk around the Veterans center again. Biggest problem right now is I start out so cold and then end ups sweating (though now I am sweating in the heat of the subway).

This is a diet I think all post operative patients who need to lose some weight should consider! I mean I have never seen anything like it!