Creative Cloud Touch Apps not actually included

This Adobe Document shows what the actual deal is with the Adobe Touch apps and Adobe Creative Suite.

Basically if you buy any 3 of the following apps, and then log in with your Adobe Account you get a free month of Adobe Cloud.

  • Photoshop Touch for Android
  • Adobe Ideas for Android
  • Adobe Collage for Android
  • Adobe Proto for Android
  • Adobe Debut for Android Adobe Kuler for Android
  • Photoshop Touch for iOS
  • Adobe Ideas for iOS
  • Adobe Collage for iOS
  • Adobe Proto for iOS

Adobe Creative Cloud is out

So if you purchased it is time to download or time to try the free 30 day trial. Looking forward to seeing what new apps or previews come out to keep it worthwhile over just getting the Master Suite or Production Bundle.

Blog is fixed, and all the archives are back up, and there is now a search implemented

I hope you continue to enjoy the blog.

Still will likely be going down for a period of at least a month and maybe more coming up as I have open heart surgery, and will not be able to do much with my arms until my sternum heals and really can’t sit in front of a computer. At least it will give time for my carpel tunnel which has been acting up to heal a bit.