Filmgrab a free site to get stills from films as reference images

I have previously posted about ShotDeck, but it is a paid site, while I didn’t know about FilmGrab which is free. You can grab iconic images from films as reference shots, which can be very useful.

It claims to have 2500 films with 160K hand picked images.

Playing with it a bit, it is good, though could use a search versus just brows by film artist and category, but that is only a minor gripe. Well worth checking out.

Fstoppers is reporting that Adobe is removing all 3D features from Photoshop

Robert K. Baggs at Fstoppers has a report that Adobe is removing all 3D features from Photoshop.

I guess this was inevitable with Adobe creating a second revenue stream for it’s 3D apps, but it is complete horseshit. Removing features that we have had for years so Adobe can make more money is beyond crap. Adobe should include everything in it’s one subscription.

Cavalry updates it’s Free license to allow High Def before the release of version 1.2

Now it is time for me to give Cavalry a try, with the update to remove the Watermark and increasing resolution to 1920×1080 for the free version. Of course some features will now be behind the paywall, like Forge Dynamics, Dynamic Rendering, Lottie Exports, Google Sheets Asset, Control Center, Command Line Interface, and all Beta Features.