Kodak selling it’s film division!

Can you believe it? Now it is really over. The age of film is officially dead. Sure you can still get some film for a while, but it has been years since any film cameras have been made, and now Kodak in it’s bankruptcy is selling it’s film division. So everything is officially done digitally now!

In some ways it is so sad, but in other ways it is exciting. Since you can get pretty high end cameras for not that much (but of course lenses are still expensive for good glass). And low budget filmmaking is so much easier.

Still there was something about film. I made my first films in college on Super 8. And later on 16mm (though cutting on a movieola was not too fun). There is certainly something cool about it.

And it is amazing how much digital can resemble shooting with film, though with a DIT instead of a camera assistant loading mags. And with RAW you still need to process the footage, though with a computer and not a lab.

And now everything is stored digitally. Lets hope there aren’t some enormous electromagnetic pulses because everything will be gone! Of course it isn’t like film doesn’t deteriorate, but still.

Just strange and amazing that the once mighty Kodak has been brought so low.

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