Adobe Photoshop version 22.2 February 2021 releases most exciting new feature is Super Resolution for scaling an image in Camera Raw’s version 13.2 March 2021 release


So Adobe Photoshops February 2021 version 22.2 update only had a couple of new features, the ability to invite others to edit, and to sync your presets.

It is the Camera RAW version 13.2 March 2021 release that has the most exciting new feature. It had some normal updates, like Support for new camera and lenses, other enhancements, and Apple ProRAW profile, but the most exciting feature is Super Resolution.

Super Resolution helps create an enhanced image with 2x the width and 2x the height of the original image, or 4x the total pixel count. Most file types such as JPEG and TIFF are supported. You can especially use Super Resolution when you have to make large prints or increase the resolution of a cropped image.

This could be a huge feature for video editors, as I am always getting images that are way too small for what I need. 

Now from what I see this need to be either activated through Adobe Bridge 2021 for non RAW images, or by opening a RAW image in Photoshop, activating the RAW panel form within Photoshop doesn’t seem to allow this happen.

So open the image from within Camera RAW.

Now if the Open in Camera Raw doesn’t show up for JPEG or HVEC files, you can go to the Camera Raw Preferences.

And select File Handing.

And under JPEG, HEIC, and TIFF Handing you should select Automatically open JPEGs and HEICs with settings.

Once you get the image in Camera RAW, you right click on it (or control click if you don’t have a right mouse button on Mac) and chose Enhance or hit Shift+Command+D.

This will bring up the Super Resolution Dialogue box.

And when you hit Enhance, it will a little time and double the size of the image, quadrupling the resolution and amaz�ingly it looks damn good. Way better than previous scaling. The image will be an Adobe DNG file.
I wish they would put this in as a feature in Photoshop itself to do it easier, and let you chose format, but the results can’t be argued with.
I have a feeling I will be using this quite a bit!

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