In Apple Mail if I sort by Newest at bottom, why does it have to scroll to the top every time I open the app?

I know this is a weird little thing, but it always bothers me. I sort my mail so that the newest is at the bottom (this was the default for Eudora which I used for many many years as my default mail program). Now Apple Mail if I sort so that the oldest is at the top, every time I open it it scrolls so that the I am seeing the oldest first. Just because I want my newest mail at the bottom of the list doesn’t mean I want to see my oldest e-mail in my inbox every time I open the app!

I know I should switch to newest at the top then, but I hate being told how to do things, and should be able to chose. Honestly it is a lot of why I don’t like Final Cut Pro X, it is a program that forces you to do everything one way, as chosen by an engineer and not an editor. I like when there are many ways to do something as in Premier Pro and AVID. Don’t tell me that the way I do something is wrong, put in many ways to do something and let me chose which way works for me, but especially don’t leave a way in but handicap it!

End of rant.

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