Scott Simmons at PVC on his single most loved feature in Adobe Premiere Pro, customization, and he is right

Scott Simmons at the ProVideoCoalition has a great article entitled, “My single most loved feature in Adobe Premiere Pro.”

Customization is really the best thing about Premiere Pro.

Of course AVID was the start of this because every editor doesn’t want to work the same way or have the same setup to work on, so being able to have your own setup is so important and AVID premiered this feature in the editing space.

The original Apple Final Cut Pro also had this feature.

The new Final Cut Pro, previously Final Cut Pro X, did away with this and wants you to edit their way. You don’t have as many ways to do things and you really can’t do a lot of customization in the workspace.

DaVinci Resolve has added editing to it’s color correction program and it is great, but it also does not let you customize, it is once again how they want you to edit. Yes you can use one or two monitors, but the windows are all very fixed where they are.

Premiere though is like AVID in customization, but adds to it, especially with so many available 3rd party extensions, like from AESCRIPTS, and it’s extensive keyboard shortcut options.

Scott Simmons is so right that Premiere’s customization abilities are it’s absolute best feature and it is a shame that DaVinci Resolve doesn’t allow the same customization.

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