Selectable Track Mattes in After Effects could be the biggest and most exciting change to come to the program in years!

I hadn’t noticed this features introduction to the After Effects Beta till I saw this video from Creative Dojo.

This will clean up After Effect Timelines to now end, as you can basically add Track Mattes nodally, so you can add just one to a comp and use it for as many layers as you want, and if you save to an older version it will automatically add to all of the layers it is attached to.

This makes Track mattes the best of both world! OMG, need this for adjustment layers too, so they can be added selectively.

Wow, Adobe, this is such a cool addition.

ProVideoCoalition on How to Troubleshoot HDR iPhone Footage in Premiere, According to Adobe

Michelle DeLateur at ProVideo Coalition has an excellent article, “How to Troubleshoot HDR iPhone Footage in Premiere, According to Adobe

It is a problem with tone mapping, which is currently handled best by the beta.

This isn’t necessary until you run into it, and go wait, it doesn’t look like this on my iPhone, but that has an HDR screen, so…

Adobe Media Encoder Beta adds Rotate & Scaling Features

Adobe announced that they are adding Rotate & Scale to an upcoming beta of Media Encoder.

You asked and we listened! Coming to beta this week are two new features in Media Encoder: the ability to scale video and to rotate video. Related, we’ve also added a feature to flip the output width and height. This makes matching the output to a rotated clip a one-button-click. 

This is great, as the iPhone has been known to record in the wrong orientation and this will easily let you correct it when recompressing to a better format.