I still am not a fan of editing with H.264, or any compressed codec. I don’t like JPEG or MP3 either, but I know most people don’t convert to ProRES for editing like I do.
You asked and we listened! Coming to beta this week are two new features in Media Encoder: the ability to scale video and to rotate video. Related, we’ve also added a feature to flip the output width and height. This makes matching the output to a rotated clip a one-button-click.
This is great, as the iPhone has been known to record in the wrong orientation and this will easily let you correct it when recompressing to a better format.
I have been using Autokroma’s BRAW Studio Plug in since I got my Blackmagic Cinema Camera 6k Pro, because it allows you to select multiple clips to decode BRAW in Premiere vs the Black Magic plug in that works on one clip at a time.
I have run into issues with using these clips in after effects, with the current version I get the effects flashing on and off throughout the clip. You can see the results here.
This is a short from the Misadventures of Bear that I am currently working on finishing.
Talking to support and moving back to 2.7.1 resolved the flashing, but then removed the added built in LUT, which also screwed up the green screen.
My only solution was to use the Plug-in to save out sidecar files of the BRAW settings, and then compress them in Media Encoder which uses the settings of the sidecar and render the clips into ProRES HQ. I then had to individually relink the clips in After Effects, but then I could get the render to work with the correct settings applied.
I am still in contact with autokroma’s support, so hopefully this will get resolved, but they are having trouble recreating the errors on their end.