Jonny Elwyn Inside the Edit – Pro Editor Course Review

Jonny Elwyn reviews Inside the Edit. Here is the web site for the Course which costs almost $20,000, but sounds like a pretty impressive course overall, though it is live from the UK, so timeings would be hard from the US.

And a second post with more bullet points on it.

Personally I question film school, it was fun, but film school needs direct training for things like Assistant Editing and also job placement, so a much more direct course might be the answer.

Master the Workflow interviews Film Editor Lisa Churgin on using Adobe Premiere to edit Peter Pan & Wendy

From Master the Workflow.

A 45 minute interview, and I love to see features done in Premiere vs AVID Media Composer.

And her whole history in editing is fantastic to learn about. And cutting on a flatbed (which I haven’t done, only a moviola).

I have watched Peter Pan & Wendy as well, which was OK, but I felt it fell apart more in casting and scripting, because I got no joy from the young Peter Pan and Jude Law is no Jason Isaacs.