Adobe has updated Photoshop to version 2022, October 2021 release, version 23.0 at Adobe Max

So Adobe has updated photoshop to 2022 with more Sensei Features.


•Automatic Selections on Hover via Adobe Sensei (can’t wait to give this a try)

•Share for Commenting via Creative Cloud

•Improved Interop with Illustrator, import vectors with color, stroke, and properties as well as layer structure and vector masks.

•New and improved Neural Filters, with betas of Lanscape Mixer, Color Transfer and Harmonization powered by Adobe Sensei

•Improved Gradients

Improved Export As worklfows

Adobe Photoshop iPad updated with Magic Wand, Healing Brush and Sky Replacement on Desktop

Adobe has announced updates to Photoshop iPad and updates to the desktop app.

On the iPad this includes the healing brush and magic wand as well as canvas projection if you connect your iPad to an external monitor or TV display via hdmi or USB-C.

Photoshop Desktop has updated Sky Replacement with more skies, you can now import 500 skies at once. And updated Transform Warp Bezier Handles.

And Photoshop will be releasing it’s Photoshop Beta program as of next month.

Adobe has also updated Fresco on the iPad with Color Adjustment Layers.

Adobe Photoshop version 22.2 February 2021 releases most exciting new feature is Super Resolution for scaling an image in Camera Raw’s version 13.2 March 2021 release


So Adobe Photoshops February 2021 version 22.2 update only had a couple of new features, the ability to invite others to edit, and to sync your presets.

It is the Camera RAW version 13.2 March 2021 release that has the most exciting new feature. It had some normal updates, like Support for new camera and lenses, other enhancements, and Apple ProRAW profile, but the most exciting feature is Super Resolution.

Super Resolution helps create an enhanced image with 2x the width and 2x the height of the original image, or 4x the total pixel count. Most file types such as JPEG and TIFF are supported. You can especially use Super Resolution when you have to make large prints or increase the resolution of a cropped image.

This could be a huge feature for video editors, as I am always getting images that are way too small for what I need. 

Now from what I see this need to be either activated through Adobe Bridge 2021 for non RAW images, or by opening a RAW image in Photoshop, activating the RAW panel form within Photoshop doesn’t seem to allow this happen.

So open the image from within Camera RAW.

Now if the Open in Camera Raw doesn’t show up for JPEG or HVEC files, you can go to the Camera Raw Preferences.

And select File Handing.

And under JPEG, HEIC, and TIFF Handing you should select Automatically open JPEGs and HEICs with settings.

Once you get the image in Camera RAW, you right click on it (or control click if you don’t have a right mouse button on Mac) and chose Enhance or hit Shift+Command+D.

This will bring up the Super Resolution Dialogue box.

And when you hit Enhance, it will a little time and double the size of the image, quadrupling the resolution and amaz�ingly it looks damn good. Way better than previous scaling. The image will be an Adobe DNG file.
I wish they would put this in as a feature in Photoshop itself to do it easier, and let you chose format, but the results can’t be argued with.
I have a feeling I will be using this quite a bit!

Now I know why Adobe denied my request for years on apps, they have made all apps in the same category the same color, so they are harder to tell apart!

So I opened Adobe’s updates today and low and behold, they have updated a great swatch of apps, but even worse they have updated the icons so that applications in the same category are the same color. Sure it means you can tell this years apps from earlier versions, but now it is easier to confuse different apps for each other as all the video apps are now the same damn color, WTF! And this will get even worse when they release next years versions with the same damn app icon (why can’t they put some versioning in the icon?).

These are the swath of Adobe Apps I keep in my Dock, and without dragging over them with a cursor it is a pain in the ass to tell them apart (and yes I need the different versions as some companies I work with run older versions because of stability issues).

Hell even the beta icons are changing already, though at least they will let me keep breaking up the apps

I guess at least this year for individual apps it will be easier, but what about when the previous 2 versions have the same damn icon, and they are all the same color?

For a company that makes applications for designers they sure have a shitty sense of design!

Adobe working on a full version of Photoshop for the iPad, some thoughts

So it is being reported that Adobe is working on a full version of Photoshop to work on the iPad. And they do need a better version as their current iPad apps are all very limited, and blown out of the water by apps by other vendors, but I am still wary.

I have an original iPad pro and an Apple pencil and was overjoyed to start doing real artwork on my iPad, but my experience so far has been so bad that I have basically given up. I just don’t think that iOS is a robust enough system to support it. Even in the best apps I have had way too many crashes that make me lose all the work that I have done, till where I have just given up and use my Surface Pro, which is a real computer with a robust OS and full versions of apps.

And dealing with documents is just so convoluted on the iPad, that it isn’t easy to get documents on and off easily, except by saving them to cloud services, but that isn’t just an integrated system wide feature.

It has really made me think that the iPad is not a pro device and can’t be used as such. It is much more a web terminal and game system with some ability to play with more powerful apps, but not really a computer that can be trusted with my pro work.

Adobe releases Photoshop Creative Cloud 2017

Adobe has released the new version of Photoshop Creative Cloud 2017, here are the new features.

You can now chose templates to start a project from Adobe Stock.

There is now a Comprehensive Search, across UI elements, documents, Help and learning, and Stock assets.

There is now support for OpenType SVG fonts which include multiple colors and gradients in a single character glyph. And support for Emojis which can combine to change colors or create country flags.

The Polygonal Lasso has been added to the Selelct and Mask Workspace. And have high quality refined previews on mousedown.

Face-Aware Liquify now allows the eyes to be done independently or symmetrically.

Creative Cloud Libraries can now be archived and restored. And you can find stock assets similar to library assets with visual search, and you can drag and drop Adobe Stock elements into Creative Cloud Libraries. And you can share your libraries and Library Assets, which will update across Creative Cloud apps.

There are Property Panels Improvements. It is now part of the Essentials Workspace, and there are additional properties for type layers and stuff can be modified here. It also displays document properties when nothing is selected.

Adobe Camera Raw 9.7 has new been updated. There is now Pressure Sensative Support as well as new cameras and lenses.

And it now works with Adobe Experience Design CC, as SVG’s can be copied and pasted.

Other features include, Match Font Improvments, Click outside of a text box to commit text, open PSD files in your Creative Cloud files from the Start Screen, Layer Count is more accurate and includes Group Content, Improved Marquee Selection, Select Highlight Color, Minimum Radius threshold with Smart Radiu, Surface Blu is 10x for 16 bit images, improved contrast in interface, new Preview checkbox in Liquifiy, ability to hide widgets in Face aware liquify, use Apple MEtal with AMD processors in Mac with Oil Paint Filter, Gpano Metadata is preserved in Export As.

The Libraries Panel in Photoshop CC and Illustrator CC

Julieanne Kost’s Blog at Adobe has a great article on the Libraries Panel in Photoshop CC.

I really didn’t realize this feature was in there, or how powerful it is, especially with syncing across your creative cloud accounts and Photoshop and Illustrator. Now they really need to add this panel into After Effects, as there are elements I would love to be able to use across all apps.