Alexa has announced the ALEXA 35, their first new sensor in 12 years!

The Alexa 35 looks amazing and it looks like Alexa has done it again, though way out of my price range.

Here are some links and videos I checked out about it.

Potato Jet has a video Review.

Brian Hallett at ProVideoCoalition has a look at it.

As does Yaroslave Altunin at No film School.

I edit a lot of spots shot with Arri, so hopefully will run into some footage from one of these soon.

I just wish that Adobe would allow us to not have the damned AMIRA Lut automatically applied, especially since it doesn’t do this for other cameras. On a pro editing system I want to control it,

ARRI announces the Alexa 65mm 6.5K camera

RedShark has extensive news on this new Rental Only beast of a camera.

I still don’t think this will kill film as we have many filmmakers who will stubbornly stick with film, even when do effects films, but with their experience not only with their gorgeous Alexa cameras, but in making 65mm cameras, this should be a very impressive camera. And I love that the lenses for it also give metadata, which can be used for remote lens control or the creation of accurate virtual lenses (looks like the AC’s job is easier now if the data is in the file already). Of course Hasselblad lenses, rental only and 2.6 terabytes an hour of data at full resolution means you will need a serious pipeline to deal with this in post!