Backblaze cloud backup version 8 on Mac increases threading and reduced disk load according to 9to5 Mac

Bradley Chambers at 9 to 5 Mac has an article on the latest update to the Backblaze app for Mac. They have increased the threads from 30 to 100 and reduced disk load by 80% which can be nothing but good.

I moved to BackBlaze when my previous backup went corporate only. Now it took me a year to get my backup (and I haven’t backed up most of my video files which are just too big) but I use this and time machine to know that my important files will be safe.

Once you lose a hard drive you will always run a couple of backup solutions and having them run better is always a good thing.

Jason Snell at Six Colors is right, you’re not backing up enough

Jason Snell at the awesome six colors blog has a great article on the fact that you are not backing up enough.

And it is true, you need to be backing up in every way possible and with local and cloud based copies, just in case something happens.

I use both Time Machine and Backblaze and even with that I can’t backup everything. I don’t have a drobo to be able to backup everything locally (my video is on a RAID 5, so if a drive fails I should be able to recover that, but even my Backblaze took the better part of a year to backup everything I had set to backup.

Losing a drive one or a whole computer will be the lesson to get you to start backing up, but you need to backup as much as you can and as often as you can, preferable constantly!