Maximum PC looks at Adobe Lightroom 5 Beta

Maximum PC takes a look at the newly released Photoshop Lightroom 5.0 Beta. And goes through new features, like the improved healing brush, the upright tool, the radial gradient tool, and a few others.

I will download if and when I have some time (could be unlikely with a 12 hour a day job coming up soon) as I find Lightroom the best tool to deal with Camera RAW (and yes I have tried Aperature and other than it’s interoperability with iPhoto it is just not as good).

Adobe has released Photoshop CS6 Beta

Adobe Labs has released Adobe Photoshop CS6 Beta. Download it here. You can read all about it here.
You can check out Russell Brown’s 6 Favorite Features at Youtube. Here are Julianne Kost’s 6 Favorite Features, and Terry White’s 6 Favorite Features.

Interesting that it has serious video features now, though I would rather just have more feature integration in After Effects.

This will obviously be down once CS6 comes out, which is likely soon, and will available within the cloud before too long.