FCP.CO has the news on a new Blackmagic Cinema Camera. It is $2995 with 13 stops of dynamic range, a large 2.5K sensor and Canon EF mount lenses. And it comes with a full version of DaVinci Resolve and Ultrascope. It records to SSD in 12 Bit Log as well as CinemaDNG, ProRES and DNxHD, and has a large touch screen for entering Metadata. Check it out at Blackmagic Designs Web site.

From what I see the biggest problem seems to be the lack of XLR audio inputs and only 1.4” instead. Certainly not as good. Makes this a good run and gun B-Roll camera, but you would want something with XLR for sync sound. Actually been reading more and it is the same sound as it would be with XLR.
Seems people’s biggest complaint is going the Apple rout and having a non-removable battery that takes 3 hours to recharge. This certainly makes it more of a get a shot here and there camera, though it seems that it can actually take many different voltage power, so you can power it from many different batteries and it will be fine, so it is not like this is a huge problem, but you will have to have some sort of mount and extra batteries for any serious shooting.