John Brawley hands on with Blackmagic Tech Pocket Camera

John Brawley has an excellent hands on with the new Blackmagic Pocket Camera. And info on the 4K. Sounds like an impressive little camera, though with a little rolling shutter issues, that the 4K should fix.

Amazing that Blackmagic has become such an impressive camera company in such a short period of time! And $1000 plus lenses is a steal for a 1080 camera!

Cinema5D on 2 new Black Magic Cameras a 4K and a Mini

Cinema5D has the scoop on 2 new Black Magic Cameras being released at NAB, and leaked thanks to flags.

You can see them at No Film School.

The $3995

Blackmagic Production Camera 4K

Compact 4K camera with large super-35 sensor, global shutter, Ultra HD and 4K support, built-in SSD recorder, touch LCD metadata entry, compressed CinemaDNG RAW and ProRes recording, Thunderbolt and EF lens compatibility, Includes DaVinci Resolve and UltraScopes.

The $999 Portable for Micro 3/4 Lenses (damn was hoping this would work with normal canon lenses).

Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera

Ultra-portable super-16 digital cinema camera with super wide 13 stops of dynamic range. Super 16 sized 1080p HD sensor, built in SD card reader, High resolution LCD, ProRes and Lossless CinemaDNG RAW recording, Active Micro Four Thirds lens compatibility, Micro HDMI monitoring with Overlays.

The 4K will make up for the decencies of the current camera with a Super-35 Sensor! And the $999 portable could be mindblowing! A point and shoot sized camera with those specs. Damn! That could really change everything and be kind of what RED initially promised with the SCARLET.

Cinema5D on BlackMagic Designs Camera in the RAW

Cinema5D has an article on shooting RAW with the BlackMagic Designs Camera.  Worth checking out. I love this quote.

These images are by far sharp, detailed, rich in skin tone and excellent to grade. They blow away any DSLR at the moment and produce quality on par to a baby Alexa. I am simply astounded. Now my grading skills and film-making need to increase to match the potential of the camera.

At this price I would love to check one of these cameras out. I do think it has design issues (like the non-removable battery). But still a very exciting new camera.