This is so cool! BIGFILMS on use ZoeDepth to make any still 3d in After Effects

From BIGFILMS on YouTube.

Here is ZoeDepth online.

This is really so cool! I would love to see a version of this that can run locally on your computer. It isn’t magic, but this really is amazing. You can give some real depth to a still photo, which really gives done zing to your stills!

And the new rage is motion stills, so this is very cool. And this should allow something different than straight cutouts of layers.

I can’t wait until there is a version of this you can run on your own computer, just can’t trust a web site for production timelines. Lets hope this becomes a plugin, or is integrated into After Effects!

This is amazing!

Jan Kaiser info on iPhone 13 Cinematic Mode

Now I saw this twitter thread thanks to Scott Simmons at ProVideoCoalition and this post.

And here is Jan Kaiser’s eskocz channel on YouTube.

Now you need to look at the thread and see more than just the first post.

Wow, I am blown away that the depth map is only 320×180, and only works so close up.

I was also wondering why the Pro didn’t use Lidar to enhance the depth map, but while it shows allot more depth than the cinematic mode, it is also fluttery and noisy, so I can see that it would cause some serious issues in a depth map.

And the true depth on the front camera would be useless for a depth map.

Between the 1080 30p and low resolution depth map I think I am OK with skipping the iPhone 13 and seeing what the 14 will offer. The technology is impressive, but I want to see future generations.