Magic Lantern pulls 24p RAW video Out of Canon 5D Mark III

This story is all over the web, but Petapixel had it right away. A new alpha of Magic Lantern has managed to get 1920×850 RAW video at 24P out of the camera, and it looks much better than the H.264 compressed video and it sounds like it may be better than the Black Magic Camera. As you can see from this Planet5D post on the subject, and you can see their post on the subject as well.

And you can really get into this with the EOS HD post on it.

I am sure that Canon doesn’t want this, as they want you to buy their cine EOS cameras to get RAW capabilities, but it is awesome that Magic Lantern has been able to pull this off!

Vincent Laforet on the new MoVi handheld stabilizer

Just before NAB the new MoVi handheld stabilizer with gyro stabilization and accelerometers has been announced, and there is video from it and of it. It is $15000 and they are working on a smaller one for $7500.

Here is the short film Movi:

MōVI from Vincent Laforet on Vimeo.

Here is the Movi rig in action:

MōVI in Action (Quick Video) from Vincent Laforet on Vimeo.

And BTS:

MōVI BTS from Vincent Laforet on Vimeo.

Sounds very very cool! And the footage all looks amazing for being handheld. Pretty damn impressive. The world needs more of these so we get away from the horrible shaky cam that has become so prevalent of late! This could replace steady cam. And I bet you could make an amazing rig to attach it to your body and not make your arms quite so tired as well.

How if only someone could come up with one for much cheaper, though it certainly wouldn’t be as impressive. Wow.

Cinescopophilia on Dog Schidt Optiks

Cinescopophilia has a great little article on the British Dog Shit Optics, which use old Russian lenses and make them for either DSLR’s or ARRI-PL mounts, and while built off of old Zeiss designs, they have no coating, so will flare like crazy! VERY VERY COOL!

They are quite reasonable too. You can buy them from their Etsy store for $155 for the DSLR version and $310 for the ARRI-PL mount.

I so want one