Adobe updated Adobe Fresco to Version 3.0 October 2021 at Adobe Max

Adobe has updated it’s awesome drawing app for tablets, Adobe Fresco to it’s October 2021 release, version 3.0.

It’s new features are:

Apply Motion (ipad and windows) which I am interested in checking out.

•Perspective Grids (ipad and windows) to help do proper perspective

•Send to Illustrator on iPad

•Vector jitter brushes to give a more organic feel to vector brushes

Awesome, I need to spend more time in Fresco as it really is such an impressive and powerful painting program, and am certainly interested in seeing what the motion does, and see if will be useful for any video projects in the future.

9to5Mac reports that the next MacBook Pro will dump the touchbar

Chance Miller at 9to5Mac is has the report of a rumor that Apple is getting rid of the touch bar. Honestly I think this is great news. It was a stupid idea. I want keys that are always in the same spot.

Now we will see if Apple every does a touch screen with a laptop. I know Apple says it isn’t good, but being able to use a pencil on it would be amazing.

Honestly I would love an iPad that is actually a Mac, like an old school Modbook. That would be my first laptop in a long time, and it would be easy since they use the same processor now, but I doubt it is coming anytime soon, but I would love to be proved wrong.

And the apple pencil is so damn good , using on a mac would be amazing, and I know I can use sidecar, but it isn’t perfect yet.

Sidecard for MacOS Catalina has to have Wacom scared as all hell!

This has been rumored, but to see it in action, wow. So with Mac OS Catalina, you can use a feature called sidecar, and have your iPad extend your Mac Screen and use the Apple Pencil. Goodbye Wacom tablet, you can now use the Apple Pencil and iPad to draw right on images!

Wow, I really can’t wait for this! This is a game changer for Photoshop!

Apple Announces new iPad Pro and Pencil, MacBook Air and Mac Mini

Apple had a Keynote today, and announced some cool new products.

The new iPad Pro looks impressive, as does it’s new wireless charging Pencil, and I love my 1st Gen 12.9 inch iPad Pro, but still don’t see it as a pro device. And I can’t see how the hard edges will make it easier to hold. Still I want one. Especially as it is lighter and thinner (though the camera sure looks to stick out allot! And I still don’t see it as a pro device, though I use mine every day! The near $200 price increase totally sucks though!

The New MacBook Air is impressive as well, finally getting retina, but also moving exclusively to USB C Thunderbolt ports. This is what my wife needs for sure.

And finally a new MacMini in quad and 6 core models, and you can even get 10 Gigabit Ethernet as an option, which will make it much more useful in high end facilities!

And they announced, though did not price, that in late November, the MacBook Pro will be getting optional Radeon Pro Vega Graphics as an option. If only they would get rid of the damn touch bar and give back function keys and make the screen touch based! Can’t get everything.

And OF COURSE NO MENTION OF THE 2019 MACPRO! I am already worried about it, especially since Mojave basically does not support NVIDIA cards (and they already have released the first point release of the OS today). So what is the point of even having PCI slots if you can’t use the most powerful and power efficient graphics cards in them!