9To5 Mac reports no M1 mac supports USB 3.1 Gen 2 at 10 GB speed

Ben Lovejoy has the slightly confusing report.

It seems M1 macs don’t support 10gb USB 3.1 Gen 2 and only 10gb for USB 3.2 which should reach 20gb, so don’t officially support usb 4 which would have to include both of those.

So it basically supports the 5gb of Usb 3.1 Gen 1, and 3.2 is dual, so 2 5gb, but full thunderbolt 4 40gb.

Intel macs supported USB 3.1 Gen 2 at 10GB, but also only supported USB 3.2 at 10gb.

I don’t know if this is licensing, saving money or just bad implementation on their own chip design. This is a huge mistake and one I wish Apple would deal with in the future (i bet it is hardware and not software).

The CalDigit FASTA-6Gu3 USB 3 and ESATA PCI card for Mac does not and will not work with Yosemite

So I have a CalDigit FASTA-6GU3 USB and ESATA PCI Card for my MacPro to add USB 3 to my old MacPro 4,1. And it worked great for a long time, but not since Yosemite came out.

I checked there web site about it, and it says this:

It does not support OS 10.10, so I wrote to CalDigit, and got this response:

Dear Jonah,

We regret to inform you that the mac OSX platform is no longer supporting the chipset used on the FASTA-6GU3 card after 10.9. Therefore, it has become impossible for us to develop a viable driver for the 10.10 platform that will work with the card. Unless you’re able to revert to a previous version of OSX, you will be unable to regain functionality out of the card’s USB 3.0 ports. We apologize for the inconvenience this causes.


CalDigit Support
CalDigit, Inc.

It seems you must now buy the Pro version to have OS X 10.10 support.

Total bullshit! I am staying away from this company!

Thunderbolt vs USB 3

VideoMaker has a quick little breakdown on the differences between USB 3 (which should be getting a speed improvement to 10Gbps from 4.28Gbps) and Thunberbolt, which is is currently 10Gbps, but with optical cables can go up to 20Gbps in the future and can carry video and more power (though I don’t see how that will be possible with optical).

I have a feeling this will be like Firewire and USB, where USB will eventually win as it is cheaper and backwards compatible, even if Thunderbolt is superior in some way.