postPerspective interview VFX Supervisor Glen Pratt in Barbie’s VFX Supervisor Workflow
I liked Barbie so much more than I thought I would, and the visuals and vfx were quite impressive, especially the transitions between worlds.
I liked Barbie so much more than I thought I would, and the visuals and vfx were quite impressive, especially the transitions between worlds.
From Malcolm Owen at AppleInsider.
I loved this show, I don’t even like sports, but I loved this show so much.
Have to love Joseph Campbell and his Power of Myth and VFX Films.
Love the film, and have loved Weta since working on the LOTR Extended Editions.
A great movie and well worth listening to.
Very interesting, I still love 3D, even without the ability to see 3D at home, and a wife who gets violently ill from 3D. Can’t wait until they get 3D without glasses, especially for a glasses wearer!
I have loved Zoic’s work for years, so found this very interesting.
Another great interview from an awesome site.
From No Film School, an interesting sponsored article. I am surprised that they did this in Premiere Pro and After Effects.