In Apple Mail if I sort by new messages on the bottom (an old habit from using Eudora years ago) why does it scroll to the top every time it is opened?


In Apple Mail if I sort by Date, and Oldest Message On top, so newest messages are on the bottom (admittedly a habit I developed from years of using the mail program Eudora), when I open Mail the sorting should not scroll to the top, but the bottom.

I mean seriously Apple. I know you want me to have newest at the top, but if you are going to actively try to make me change why not just remove the ability to sort in a different order?

ProVideoCoalition Speed Editor Review Part 2 Multi-Cam Editing

Scott Simmons at ProVideo Coalition has posted his second part of his review of the DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor, this one focused on Multicam Editing, which seems to be mostly a mess.

While The Speed Editor seems great overall, it’s basis in the Cut Page and the buttons chosen on it seem to be the main problems of it., and the reason I will likely never get it, though maybe a version 2 more focused on Editing?

ProVideoCoalition Reviews the DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor, which seems to be mostly for Cut Page

Scott Simmons at the Pro Video Coaition has posted part 1 of 2 of an in depth review of the DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor Keyboard. This part 1 is about all the functionality minus the multi-cam functionality which will be in part 2.

It is a great review, and shows that this is really for the Cut Page of DaVinci resolve, a page that is likely going to slow down experienced editors until they use it for a long time. I have barely used the cut page yet, as I think the Edit page needs more depth, and I am much more comfortable with a less Final Cut Pro X type interface, though there are some things for scanning footage that seem great.

Honestly it makes me not care so much about it or the full DaVinci keyboard as I don’t want keys that are just for the cut page, but would like things for the edit page as well.

And in depth and well worth it read.

Excalibur from Knights of the Editing Table is an amazing keyboard shortcut plug-in for Premiere Pro, it significantly speeds up my editing, it us a must have!

 Knights of the Editing Table has made the amazing new plug-in for Adobe Premiere Pro that adds quick smart keyboard short cuts for Premiere Pro. It reminds me of ObDev’s awesome keyboard launcher Launchbar, which I swear by and love, except thus us within Premiere Pro. You hit a quick keybiard shortcut, and the type what you want, say di for dissolve, then if you hit return it adds a transition or you can hit > and type how many frames you want it. 

Here is an overview.

At $75 it is a steal. I have written about it before, but after using it I have been very impressed, though even after the 1.0.1 update I have had some issues putting transitions on clips, but everything else has been incredibly fast, and Premiere really needs a paste on same track shortcut without turning off the track targeting.

Every editor should give this a try!

Apple app updates only compatible with Big Sur, but showing up in Catalina, and continuing to give notifications of updates is incredibly annoying

So I am running Catalina 10.15.7.


But Apple keeps sending me Updates Available, but the only available update is for Garage Band, which the update only works in Big Sur. I know they want me to move to Big Sur, but I literally can’t.

And the reasons I can’t just update to Big Sur are many. First off Catalina is running very well right now, but also I am on a job that uses Adobe Premiere Pro 2019 13.1.5, and I haven’t seen anything that shows that it runs in Big Sur. And while I would rather move to a newer version, that is what they are running at the company.

So Apple TV+ shows are glitching on their Dolby Atmos mixes for me

 So I have an Apple TV 4K and when watching shows on Apple TV+ with an Atmos mix, the center audio channel will jump to the left or sometimes right for a few seconds at a time. This us especially noticeable  with narration, and is very distracting.

I have a Sony Receiver and it works great with Atmos with blu-rays, and I haven’t noticed the issue anywhere else except Apple TV+ programs. And if I turn off Atmos the problem goes away. I doubt it is the internet connection either as I have a 1TB fiber connection. 

I have seen others say they had the same issue but with Netflix on Apple TV, but I only have the issue with Apple TV+ shows. I have posted myself, but not gotten any response

AppleInsider is reporting that a new iMac Pro is going to come out in 2021 with M1 Hardware

 So AppleInsider is saying that a component manufacturer is saying there will be a new iMac Pro in 2021, which is good news. As the article says the iMac Pro could easily have been a stopgap machine while they waited for the new MacPro, but having one I can say I am happy there will be a new one.

It is a powerful machine, and it will answer the question of if Apple is going to have external GPU’s or rely on their on chip M1 Graphics for their Pro machines.

Of course I am on the side of wanting support for PCI based GPU’s, as Apple has does not have any experience making high end pro graphics cards, and I would be much happier having that than a ramped up iPad chip, unless they really ramp it up significantly. I also would like to see video RAM instead of the M1’s shared RAM, which sure is fast, but straight video ram is going to be faster, and better for high end.

Just check out Bare Feats tests on DaVinci Resolve 17.1 Beta 4 (For M1 Macs) that is blown out of the water by an IMac Pro and even more so by a 2019 Mac Pro.

Excalibur for Premiere Pro adds quick keyboard shortcuts for Premiere Pro and is $25 off till the end of the year


Knights of the Editing Table has released a new extension plug in for Premiere Pro on Mac and Windows that adds quick keyboard shortcuts to Premiere Pro to speed up your editing workflow, it is called Excalibur. Check out the video above or their page on how this can speed up your workflow.

This looks very cool. I already use Launchbar from Obdev to do similar things for the Mac, and Andrew Kramer from Video Copilot has one for After Effects called FX Console.

I wouldn’t have known about this if it wasn’t for the article about it at ProVideo Coalition by Scott Simmons who beta tested it.

I purchased this and will be testing it out, as I love speeding up my workflow. My biggest frustration has been getting used to things like this and then having to go work in an office and not having it, but with the Covid Pandemic forcing my editing to be from home, I can safely use it for the time being.

Bare Feats does speed tests on M1 MacBook Pro on DaVinci Resolve 17 and it shows the power of GPUs


Bare Feats has run speed comparison tests with DaVinci Resolve 17.0 beta 4 on the m1 MacBook Pro and the 2017 iMac Pro, 2 variations of the 2019 MacPro and the 2013 MacPro.

And the results are not surprising, the M1 currently gets stomped in 4K Noise Reduction by more than 2x, almost 3x for the slowest Mac (the 2017 iMac Pro Pro Vega 64).

And at least currently it seems to show the power of GPU adds to Macs, over what the M1 can do. Now surely the M1 will scale, but we will have to see just how far it goes.

Why do the font engine in After Effects no include the ability to underline text?


So this the font style selection box in After Effects, which lets you select faux bold, faux italix, Upercase, UpperLower Uppercase and subscript settings.

Premiere Pro is exactly the same as After Effects.

This is the Type Options in Photoshop, which includes Underline and Strikthrough, as well as more options.

Why is there no Underline option in After Effects and Premiere Pro? Sure you can add a line if you want to, but it won’t follow the text.

Really this is the dumbest thing. WHY WOULD YOU NOT IMPLEMENT AN UNDERLINE ADOBE?


OK so the latest version of Premiere Pro’s Essential Graphics now includes the underline function, but not After Effects. This makes it even weirder and more glaring.