Verizon FIOS’s replacement Frontier is not the same service

I was a very happy user of Verizon FIOS and it’s amazing internet, but Frontier is continually proving that it’s service is not nearly as good!

First off the same internet speed seems much slower, but that is just my feeling, because the speed always shows up well on speed tests, though it does feel slower.

The biggest problem is the internet tv streaming! They took a while to add more than one user, but now that they have, the big problem is that now the TV logins don’t work well. In fact I have to log out and re-login every time to get them to work. Literally every time I try and watch a streaming show it fails, and to get it to work i have to log out and log back in. This is nuts! Literally this is nuts! This is a main feature now for many of us, and to have this work is one of the main feature that does not work! Are you kidding me? This should just work, but Frontier has not just worked since it took over from Verizon.

The Frontier takeover of FIOS has been a disaster! And this is not acceptable because I was not even told until I was already a Frontier customer! WTF!

Apple has removed Star Ratings in iOS 10, WTF!

And Apple continues it’s downward spiral of removing much used and important features in it’/ latest upgrade. I can’t beliwve it, but apple has removed it’s 5 Star Ratings from Music in iOS 10! Seriously What The Fuck Apple!  I have spent years rating my songs in itunes and a good year re-rating my songs after El Capitan fucked up my iTunes Library!

Now I get the newer and simpler like or don’t like,  but I don’t use it! I use the 5 stars I have used for years! And I like to rate music on my phone, but with iOS 10 I can’t! WTF! This is literally insane!


If you agree please contact apple and tell them to add this feature back! I have!


I stared a thread on the Apple Support Communities in the hopes of getting enough people to request the return of this feature, and so far the thread is already 6 pages long.

Adobe pulling an Apple with it’s awesome SpeedGrade and gutting it, and not updating it

As you can see from my last post, Adobe has just announced it’s next set of features for the Video Tools in Creative Cloud at IBC 2016. Unfortunately once again one program has been left out, Adobe SpeedGrade. Yes they are adding more color correction tools from SpeedGrade into Premiere Pro, but it has now been many years since SpeedGrade has had an update.

This is really a shame as it is a great color correction tool that needs some love, especially since it’s ability to do a grade, and have it roundtrip back to Premiere Pro as a plug in, makes it so much more powerful for projects that have many versions than doing a grade in the more powerful DaVinci Resolve, in which you have to render out your grade. With Master Clips Grades in SpeedGrade those grade would be there for whole clips in future versions while you edit.

I just think it is a shame that they seem to be gutting SpeedGrade and not giving it the love it deserves. It really needs multi-monitor support so you can pull your scopes to a different monitor, and it needs some updates, especially moving some of the tools they have created for Premiere and moving them back into SpeedGrade. The lack of updates make it looks like it will go the way of the dodo, much like Apple did with the amazing Shake and Color apps that they purchased and then killed.

The death of SpeedGrade is a real shame!

Adobe Creative Cloud Video and Audio Tools New Feature Reveals at IBC 2016

I just wish they would fix some of the bugs of 2015.3 quickly, as I have heard nothing but issues from people.

Check out an overview of the new features by Victoria Nece at the Adobe Creative Cloud Blog.

As for new features, the big one is Team Projects. A hosted service allowing collaboration between Premiere Pro, After Effects and Prelude. This could be huge if it works well. I like how media mapping can be different for each user. Finally something to fight AVID in large multi-user environments!

Premiere Pro and Media Encoder are next. Bronwyn Lewis has written about it at the Adobe Creative Cloud blog.

In addition to team projects, it now has enhanced Captions and Subtitle support.

Enhancements to the Lumetri Color Tool Sets, which rocks, though unfortunately likely also spells the death of the separate and more powerful Speed Grade Application which once again is not getting an update here.

There is even more expanded VR support.

And destination publishing (something I will likely not be using).

And something I likely will be using enhanced Live Text Templates from After Effects! As well as visual Keyboard Shortcut mapping tool like AVID has always had.

It also will work better with Apple Metal, and have faster Dynamic Linking, And Media Encoder will stitch together multiple clips to ease file management.

After Effects has new features gone over by Victoria Nece at the Adobe Creative Cloud.

It has the afore mentioned Team Projects, a new 3D rendering allowing bent planes and extruded 3D text and shapes within After Effects using Cinema 4D’s standard renderer!

It has faster performance with GPU’s and more GPU accelerated effects. The aforementioned Improved Live Text Templates, with TypeKit Font Sync.

And more Powerful Dynamic Linking.

And when creating projects from Templates settings like color management and folder structure can be passed on!

Dave Werner shares new features of Adobe Character Animator CC Beta.

Durin Gleaves talks about Audition CC’s new features. It has a cleaned User Interface, that more matches the rest of the creative suite and will work on high resolution monitors.

Installing Boot Camp on High Capacity Disks

Other World Computing has a great article on how to install a bootcamp partition on disk larger than 2.2TB.

I wish I had seen this earlier. As I recently replaced my 2TB that had bootcamp on a partition on it with a 3TB drive that I took out of my Synology, and I could not restore my old BootCamp partition using WinClone because I could not make the partition. I could do it again now, but would have to reback up the drive and then move it back afterwards, and am not sure I have enough hard drive space for this, unless I wipe out the old disc with BootCamp on it. And I have yet to do a WinClone Restore so I am not sure it will work and don’t want to lose the BootCamp partition just in case.

Batch Converting Pages Documents to Word Documents with Applescript

So if you read this blog you already know that I have pretty much come to the decision that my next computer will not be a Mac. I love my old MacPro 4,1 but it is getting long in the tooth, and I haven’t even been able to do the Firmware Upgrade to get it to 5,1, so the next OS Sierra will not work on my current MacPro as it will only work on a 5,1 (I haven’t tried putting in my old video card before the upgrade, which might help, but it looks like El Capitan makes it harder).

Unfortunately in 2007 I moved over to Pages to do my invoices, resumes and cover letter. Now you can individually export your documents to the modern word format docx, but I am talking hundreds and hundreds of files that I may want to access at some point, so I wanted a way to batch those files.

This requires applescript, and while I used to be OK at Applescript all those skills have since gone away.

A quick google search showed one page dedicated to scripting the iWorks suite, and it is iWorkAutomation. Specifically there is a script to Export to Word, but it is not a batch export, just a single use, and so not of use to me, except for stealing some of it’s commands.

So then I went back to the old faithful applescript forums MacSpripter, and did a search. And I found an awesome script from Yvan Keonig, which automates the process, allowing you to pick a folder with you pages documents and then chose a destination folder, and it batch converts to PDF files.

Luckily my limited Applescript skills and the fact that the script was so well written, let me use the Microsoft Word commands from iWork Automation and combine them to make a script to convert to Word documents.

Just copy this script and paste it into Script Editor and run the script. You can also save the script to your scripts folder.

set theSourceFolder to (choose folder with prompt “Select a folder whose files you wish to convert to word:”)
tell application “Finder”
set filesArray to every file of theSourceFolder whose name extension is “pages”
end tell
set theDestinationFolder to (choose folder with prompt “Select a folder where you want the converted files to be placed: “)
tell application “Pages” to activate
repeat with aFile in filesArray
tell application “Finder”
set fileAlias to aFile as alias
set fileName to name of fileAlias
set fileExtension to name extension of fileAlias
end tell
set theOriginalName to fileName
— remove extension
set prevTIDs to AppleScript’s text item delimiters
set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to “.” & fileExtension as string
set fileName to first text item of fileName
set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to prevTIDs
— prepare desktop folder path and name
set docPathAndName to (theDestinationFolder as text) & fileName & “.docx” # EDITED
tell application “Pages”
— open the file
set targetDocument to open fileAlias — EDITED : was aFile which is a Finder reference, not what Pages requires
repeat 10 times # I added a loop which may be useful if the original document is very long
export targetDocument to file docPathAndName as Microsoft Word
exit repeat
on error
tell me to delay 0.5
end try
end repeat
— close it
close targetDocument saving no
end tell
end repeat
tell application “Pages” to quit
display dialog “Done!”

Awesome, now I have batch updated all my pages documents to Word documents. Sure the formatting needs some updating, but at least they will all work on a PC!

Edelkrone SliderPlus, Target Module and Action Module

Edelkrone has released the SliderPlus system. This includes the impressive SliderPlus that can slide twice the distance of it’s size in 3 normal sizes and pro sizes that go from medium to xtra large for $399.99-$799.99.

More impressive is the $569.99 Action Module which records movement and replays it, allowing you to adjust the acceration and time of the move to recreate moves for vfx multiple passes.

And the Target Module for $569.99 where you set a distance and it will turn the camera so it keeps the subject in the same framing through the slide!

This means for $1500 you can literally get the ultimate product shot setup! And you can use it to dolly, and for so many other ways.

This is really mindblowingly impressive! I so want one!

DJI has released the Osmo+

DJI has released an updated version of it’s 3 axis stabilized camera, the DJI Osmo+. The new version includes a 22-77mm zoom lens, 3.5x optical and for 1080 video an additional 2x lossless digil zoom. It has a 50cm minimum focus distance, and support for motion timelapse! And it is $649.

The original Osmo for $569, includes a free spare battery, a $35 value, but the new camera should be worth the difference.

Damn I want one!

Davinci Resolve 12.5.1 Supports Quicktime ProRes on Windows, death knell for Quicktime

BlackMagicDesign’s Davinci Resolve 12.5.1 has been released and it includes Quicktime ProRES decoding on Windows! You can check out all the new features here.

With Apple having ended Quicktime support for Windows, and now Adobe and DaVinci adding Quicktime Pro Res playback on Windows, that basically means that you can use all the old ProRes files you have, but it is time to move on. And it is unfortunate as ProRES HQ had really become a great intermediate format and ProRES 444 is an awesome alpha format.

And it looks like it is time to move to AVID’s DNxHD format, since like ProRES it is pretty much visually lossless at higher bitrates.