Adobe Premiere Pro 2014.1 announced

Adobe has announced the next version of Adobe Premiere Pro 2014.1.

It will have search bins that you can keep, advanced timeline search, and Multiple Project Workflows, where you can have different projects open in the Media Browser, instead of having to just import other projects! AWESOME!

There is now a Consolidate and Transcode, as well as a Render and Replace for After Effects Dynamically Linked in your sequence where you can still return to the original media or comp at any time! SO MUCH BETTER!

It works with GoPro CineForm and AJA RAW.

Masking and Tracking has been sped up and better Master Clip Effects.

Also better send to Audition and AAF Export.

And of course HiDPI monitor support.

Honestly I can’t wait!

What’s coming in Adobe SpeedGrade CC 2014.1, it answers most of my issues

The Adobe SpreedGrade Blog has info on the next version of Adobe SpeedGrade Creative Cloud 2014.1.

And it answers most of my problems with SpeedGrade that I have been complaining about, though a problem with multiclips isn’t mentioned (and I will talk more about it later).

The coolest feature is the addition of CURVES, which I have talked about! Woohoo. Curves are such a fast and easy way to quickly do a correct on an image and it will soon be here!

The Second is BlackMagic support, not just AJA anymore! NICE!

Also there is layer based grouping to easily work on effects.

They also have added across the Video Suite support for HiDPI displays, which is great, though without much support for HiDPI monitors, it won’t affect too many.

Audio is now supported for DIrect Link, for easier sync to audio cues, which is great.

Let’s hope this comes out soon!

The only issue that they still need to work on is multi angle clips. I have been working with them in Premiere Pro and while you can color correct them, the plug-in doesn’t show up in Premiere Pro, so you can’t turn off the correction there as you can with other clips. They need to fix this soon, and lets hope they did in this version, though I am not holding my breath.

LastPass for iOS 8 Announced


LastPass has announced LastPass as a Safari Plug In for iOS 8. So you can access your vault and fill in passwords right from within Safari in iOS 8! AWESOME!

So about my Password Managers question. The $12 a year LastPass will now work within iOS browsers!

Still want to see what SplashiD does, though I am still considering moving everything over to 1Password as I can keep all my passwords away from the cloud that way. Just don’t trust internet security at all anymore, though at least I do use 2 step authentication where I can.

The BBC has adopted Final Cut Pro X for News Gathering

FCP.CO has the story. And Big news for Apple and Final Cut Pro X to have moved the entire BBC News Pipeline to Final Cut Pro X.

Still pretty surprising to me, as I know Final Cut Pro X has really grown as a program, but things like Adobe Anywhere seem perfect for news, as you can edit remotely without having the media locally, which seems huge for news organizations, but I guess they like the Speed and Power of FCP X.

I still don’t like it, mainly because of it’s timeline, because I do graphics heavy shows and I like to have my timeline very organized so things are easy to swap out or turn on and off with ease, but it isn’t like you are going back and doing different versions of pieces for news, so the organization might not be quite as important for that.

Red Giant Updates Universe to 1.2


Red Giant has updated it’s new realtime effects plug in system Universe to 1.2
with 3 new free effects and 6 new Pro effects, as well as Native Style Effects. You can get Universe from Red Giant for free, or with a subscription for Premium, or a lifetime payout.

Check out the new features and plugs in in the video here.

What's new in Universe 1.2 from Red Giant on Vimeo.

I have been very impressed with Universe so far. And am looking forward to trying out the free Exposure Blur Effect as a transition in After Effects. And CrumblePop Half Light for the Pro section, which has light leak effects.

Password Managers for Mac and iOS future features

I have been a long time user of Password managers, just for the convenience. And with internet security crumbling around us, we might need them even more. I actually use 2 password managers, but might have to consider changing up based on future features, many of which have been announced.

Now about the two programs I use and why.


For web browser based password management I have used LastPass for years. Now Cloud based security has always scared me, but they use plug in based encryption, and 2 Step Verification (I used Google Authenticator to get a second password to log in). It is a great paid service (yearly fee) and offers security checks on passwords and warns of security breaches, but the interface is a bit archaic, and it does seem to have many problems with ending up with many different password entries for many web sites, and it can be hard to tell which one is correct. It has an iOS APP, but doesn’t integrate with iOS Safari as it does with browsers on Android, so I don’t like it’s interface, and use another solution. I do already use it’s sister app Xmarks to sync bookmarks though so I have always gotten a discount for both!


For an iOS and Mac based password manager I used Spashdata‘s Splash ID Safe. It has Mac and Windows based apps, as well as iOS Android and many other apps. I went with Splash ID as I had been using their apps since old Palm Pilot days. Now originally you could buy Splash ID and it synced via iTunes sync (or Android syncing) to your phone, and kept in sync with your computer with your passwords. It never had problems with multiple entries as it did not work as a browser based system, so you enter everything, and can organize it easily as you see fit. And yes I do enter all my passwords in it, and then let LastPass also have my passwords. Of course now it has moved to a cloud based system, though you can chose to not go cloud, but to sync between devices you need Cloud, which I have always felt it was less secure, but now it has 2 pass verification, but I still prefred to have something online.


Now there has been a 3rd solution for a long time, which I do not use which is 1Password. It is browser, App and Phone based, kind of combining 1Pass and SplashiD safe (i now LastPass has iOS and Android apps, but I never liked it much, and the iOS one can’t integrate with your browser anyway, though it can on android) but without the cloud based solutions, so it is more secure, though less portable to say a work computer. Still this does mean more security, which I do like, and it can do iCloud, Dropbox or WIFI only sync.

Anyway, the reason I am writing this is because of future features of these apps, because I saw an article on MacStories about how 1Password iOS App is adding Extension for the future iOS 8 which will make it work within iOS Safari to both recall and generate passwords! This would make it the best overall all around Password manager around, so I am going to look into it, but SplashData is going to be adding features too.

According to SpashData’s SplashID Safe Blog, SplashID 8 is coming soon. It is updating the apps and making the UI even better, with automatic backup, new plug-ins for Chrome, Safari and Firefox to make it fully browser usable, and with a security feature to alert and one step fix compromised, outdated, weak and duplicate passwords, which would be awesome! My only question is if it will also do an iOS 8 Extension so it works with Mobile Safari?

(A quick little update on 1Password, it seems they have a new feature called Watchtower that checks for site vulnerabilities and warns you about weak, duplicate and compromised, much like SplashID’s new feature, though it does not as of yet add one step fixing as far as I know.)

So what to do? Hmmm, not sure yet, but I am going to research 1Password, and see if I can easily move to it, but wait to see about SplashID, because it would be great to be able to move to a single Password manager I can sue across all devices!