More on the MōVI

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Vincent Laforet has posted this new video to answer questions about the MoVi, and it’s working with their flyer, as well as pre-ordering. It is all shot with a Movie of course. You can view the FAQ here.

I so want one, but there is just no way! ha!

Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects Sync Settings

Todd Kopriva has posted a couple of features on the sync settings for creative cloud. You can now sync Preferences and Settings, Workspace Layouts and Keyboard shortcuts.

Here is the info fro Premiere Pro and for After Effects which can sync preferences, keyboard shortcuts, output module templates, render settings templates, composition settings presets and interpretation rules.

This very very cool. Can carry your settings with you, without carrying them. VERY VERY COOL! Especially for us freelancers, who work in different offices all the time!