I CAN JOG! Surgery Update at about 10 Months
I wen to a new General Practitioner and he wants me to lose weight faster, and do my morning 2.1 mile walk in 30 instead of 45 minutes. To that end, yesterday I jogged part of it. 1/4 of a mile, then 2 1/8’s of a mile, and I did the same today. And it really wasn’t a problem. Didn’t even get that out of breath, though I did sweat allot! Still I could NEVER JOG! Not at all, ever! This is a huge difference! Absolutely huge! Wow, I can jog! Now I need some better sneakers and I bet I can jog a whole lot more! Wow!
He also wants me to exercise for another 15 minutes when I get home. Leg exercises, so I am doing kettle bell, and core, so situps and some hand weights, like I used to do. Not too much with my chest as it is still sore, but as much as I can.
As for my weight, I am still losing some weight, and am still on the 8 hour diet, though things are moving very slowly, but I am trending down.
Here is my last week from Fitbit. Tend to go up a bit on the weekend, but still trending down. Even with some days getting fast food as I get off work so late (hate still driving at 7:30 PM).
Still I am sticking with the 8 hour diet (though the doctor said to eat breakfast, but I have never liked breakfast, it makes me hungry all day!).
Here is my scar. Still not white, and if anything it has gotten bigger, or at least wider. Still not hurting so much, though I am still using a pillow under a seatbelt as it feels better in the car.
Brain fog is better, though my creativity really isn’t better, but getting home by 8 and going to bed at 10, and having super busy weekends may not be helping on that end much either.
Overall I am doing pretty great, and I CAN JOG! WOW!