Motionographer on Moving from After Effects to Nuke
A good article, especially on the changes of layer based vs node based compositing.
A good article, especially on the changes of layer based vs node based compositing.
I still am not a big fan of Final Cut Pro, though I am an expert on it, so I doubt I will even try it out on the iPad, but some of the omissions do seem curious, like having limited color correction when DaVinci has full color (though missing the edit page, so you really can’t talk about DaVinci).
Still the fact that the already wonky Project naming schemes seems different here is literally insane. Just follow fucking industry standards already!
And no second storylines also seems pretty huge.
I was excited to see that Google Authenticator, for 2 factor authentication has added cloud sync between devices, but as reported at PCWorld and MacRumors, it is not secure. This is awful of google, an awful company.
The whole point of Google Authenticator is to have safe secure 2 step verification and to have it’s sync not be end to end encrypted is unconscionable.
And here are posts at Adobe Forums where other people are also having the issue. And I ended up trying it quickly because of the whole issue with the export window not working, as I was running the beta to get around it, so I tried this right when ti came out, and no matter what Project I opened the whole thing just beachballed, but the Beta continues to work, but for release version I had to jump back to 23.2, since it is before the damn export bug.
I had been enjoying the text editing features, except how if you edit from a sequence it cuts in subclips and not the original clips (there should be a switch for this, as I can’t think why you would want it to edit out subclips).
I just feel the beta runs a little less stable than the release versions, so for paid work I need to stay on a stable release version, and it would be nice if 23.4 worked for me, but it just doesn’t.
And I basically erased all of my Premiere Pro preferences, the entire folder to try and get it running, as it kept pulling old preferences from earlier versions, but even completely trashing all Premiere Pro sequences on my hard drive it is still beachballing.
So be wary of 23.4 as it does not like my iMac Pro at all.
From Fernando Silva at 9to5Mac.
LumaFusion is really the first normal video editing program on the iPad that works like AVID and Premiere Pro (Not Final Cut Pro) and it just keeps getting better and more powerful.
I have edited on it and it was well worth using, though of course I love keyboard editing the most, so the iPad will always be a second class editor.
I am already playing with the Firefly beta, so I can’t wait to see what it can do with with Video!
Post 342 from the excellent Cut/Daily and Johhny Elwyn.
He links to some places to get into using Fairlight in DaVinci Resolve.
My dad has a TIVO many many years ago, and I ended up getting one not long after. It just had the best interface of any cable provider, and the ability to schedule shows online was so amazing.
My first Tivo has a DVD burner built in, and then I moved to an HD Tivo, which lasted quite a few years, before moving to my Tivo Premiere about 2 years ago.
Previously I had also replaced a failing hard drive, in my Tivo 3 to extend it’s lfie
The latest Tivo interface was annoying in that it added adds into the channel lineup, but the interface was still great, and I still love the ability to set recordings from my phone whenever I hear about a new show.
The problem is, just before the 2 year mark my Tivo Premiere bit the bullet, and it looks to be a known hardware fault where the motherboard fails. Tivo would have let me purchase a refurb for $150 to replace my TIVO, but it turns out they didn’t save my Recording To Do List anywhere but on my TIVO.
And honestly it is the To Do List that is the most important thing, as it all your upcoming recordings. And that is something you can’t record at once, because so many shows only show up near when they are able to record. So losing this list is a huge thing. And knowing that the Tivo Premiere’s have motherboard issues, why program it again, when it will likely only last another couple of years.
And honestly we were paying too much for cable, to have hbo and all the channels, so we just gave up on Cable.
First we got a digital antennae, but first off some channels don’t work well (though the ones that do, look better than they ever did on cable), and the interface on the tv is so slow, and awful, and I have lived too long with a DVR to start trying to watch tv when it is on.
Frontier offered a deal on YouTubeTV, which is a basic cable with a DVR, and we got $10 a month off from them. So we did that and it works well enough, though some channels don’t look great, and I hate the recordings interface, which I can’t figure out the interface. Why aren’t the newest shows first? What order is it in exactly?
Still it works and less than were paying for cable and all the channels, and I can still watch the news.
My short film, the Misadventures of Bear is a Semi Finalist at the Dubai Independent Film Festival, so it has gotten into 8 Film Festivals!
From Chip Loder at AppleInsider.
This is well worth your time, because it is often up to you to troubleshoot computer problems.