Scott Simons at PVC on how to Unlock all the Resolve for iPad pages with this simple trick

This is very cool.

It basically shows that the whole software is in here, but not activated for iPad yet, so that means it will likely be added in eventually.

I have seen people who are so negative on DaVinci for iPad, but I am psyched for it. To me it is basically the first full pro software for the ipad and I can’t wait to use it it with my Blackmagic camera.

AppleInsider has a disturbing article on extended file attributes in iCloud

Chip Loder has this article on How to store extended file attributes in iCloud.

I hate that any of this is necessary, because iCloud should not be doing anything to your files. It is the whole problem with iTunes and it’s cloud services that can ruin your whole iTunes Library.

Apple needs to fix this, but I think they see it as a feature not a bug.