Scott Simmons at PVC Let’s Talk About Subscriptions

Scott Simmons has an article about software subscriptions, and their value, and about going through and seeing all your subscriptions and how much you are spending.

I am OK Adobe which has fairly regular updates, and the beta channel, but others give less value, especially than they used to, when you paid a price and had software for at least a year.

And the worst is all the iPad apps that have moved to subscription. You used to e able to buy them, but now you have to subscribe to even use most creative apps.

The wrong aspect ratio of The Sandman TV Series is much like Game of Thrones being too Dark

I have been slowly watching the The Sandman TV series on Netflix, and while I do enjoy the show, as it is nothing like any other show on TV, in that it doesn’t follow normal structure at all, as it is a comic book adaption, but the biggest annoyance is the strange aspect ratio.

This show looks like it is in scope, but it is strangely stretched tall. So many people are talking about this, that Netflix has had to respond and say it is how it is intended.

Actually Reddit seems to have the best info on what it actually is.

Image from the show
The 2.35:1 image compressed to 2.65:1 where it looks correct

It is made even worse by the extreme close ups of so much of the show, and really gets obvious in pans and camera moves that become super distracting.

If they wanted to make the image look ethereal I would have rather had a true FX done to the show, like having made The Sandman seem taller and stretched out, instead of making everything stretched out.

Once again this is a distracting decision that ruins much of the hard work of the show, much like Game of Thrones color correcting for a darkened Theater with a 4K laser projector instead of for home TV with lights on. And they didn’t learn their lesson with Game of Thrones and have done the same damn thing on Game of Thrones: House of Dragon, making it too dark for many people to see.

When making a creative choice that is either distracting or hard to see for enough people to complain you are likely making a mistake.

Fstoppers reporting that YouTube may start charging users to watch videos in 4K

From Alex Cooke at FStoppers.

Already I have been annoyed by YouTube, a recent update on Apple TV, has my TV showing a lost connection at every commercial break, which means huge delays on every commercial break. I have seen speculation that it might be the addition of HDR to the Apple TV app, which means that the commercials are different than the stream, and causing the lost connection and pause at every commercial break.

And as they add more commercials in every video it gets more annoying. And now it looks like they are moving 4K to the paid tier as well.

I can honestly say that it just doesn’t reach the $12 a month that is costs for YouTube premium, but it might mean I watch less YouTube videos.

Why does duplicating a timeline in DaVinci Resolve 18 force a new render?

Honestly this post is a question to anyone why might know, as I have been running into something very frustrating with DaVinci Resolve, and that is, why when I duplicate a timeline do I lose the render completely and have to let it sit and re-render footage that is still rendered and has not changed from the previous Timeline (DaVinci’s name for a Sequence).

This is especially frustrating while working on my short film, which has full color corrects and a good deal of noise reduction, so a render can take hours and hours.

I looked for this on the DaVinci forums and don’t see anyone mentioning it, nor any posts on YouTube.

Adobe Updates Photoshop to 2023, the October 2022 (Version 24.0) release


Selection improvements, is really impressive what the AI can do to select, and how easy it is to edit and fix these masks. Sure it might not be perfect, but what an incredible improvement.

One-click Delete and Fill, will be a huge addition for when you are separating the subject from the background as you will not have weird edges left to screw up any effects you put on your background image.

Invite to edit for collaboration features.

Share for review (beta) with shareable links, where you can get and manage feedback. I wonder if this uses’s tech.

Photo Restoration Neural Filter (Beta) uses AI to restore old photographs. And it can use local AI, or higher quality but slower server based.

Other changes and enhancements to content credentials, substance 3d materials, and preference settings.

And Beta Features:

Live Gradients, which will be fast an amazing.

Live Gaussian Blur, more speed improvements.

Backdrop Neural Filter powered by AI.

Blackmagic Design has officially announced DaVinci Resolve for the iPad

The color Page looks just like it’s desktop counterpart

After being briefly shown in Apple’s introduction video fro the new iPad Pro, Blackmagic Design has officially announced DaVinci Resolve for the iPad.

For now it will only have 2 tabs, the color tab shown above, and the cut tab.

The Cut Page also looks much like it’s desktop version

Here;s hoping that the cut page will work with the DaVinci Speed Editor, which is Bluetooth, so that would only make sense.

They have also said there will be a free version and a paid Studio Version from the iTunes Store.

With the M2 Chip in the new ipad pro this should work, though the limited ram might be a bit of an issue, as will storage, so hopefully it will work well with external hard drives.

This will be released in quarter 4 of 2022!

How can Blackmagic Design manage this, when Apple hasn’t manged a version of Final Cut Pro for the iPad.

Adobe releases Premiere Pro October 2022 release (version 23.0) which is version 2023

Adobe has updated Premiered Pro to the 2023 version.

Inner and outer strokes for graphics, updated in essential graphics.

Flexible alignment controls, allow you to line up text and shape elements.

Bulk edit titles on the timeline is a huge signature feature. You can batch change attributes across graphics files (this has been coming since you could see the ext in earlier versions).

2x Faster Motion Graphics templates, with multi-grame rendering being 2x faster.

Improved performance for AVC Intra, 10-bit AVC Intra formats are 2x faster on Apple Silicon.

GPU acceleration for Lumetri Scopes, is just going to speed things up, which is always great.

Improved Previews on Windows and macOS, with Apple ProRes now being the default codec for previewing most video formats. This could be a huge performance and quality boost. I already use ProRES as my default, but nice to have it be the norm.

AAF Support for Apple Silicon, actually makes me wonder why this was not working for so long. Sure you could run premiere not in native mode to get it to work on Apple Silicon, but this is a pretty necessary feature.

ARRI ALEXA 35 Camera Support

And a very intere4sting feature in the BETA.

Assemble rough cuts from transcripts, from the built in transcripts feature in the Text Panel.

This could be really interesting, and certainly speed things up. Anything that makes the awesome transcripts feature more center is a great thing.

Not huge features, but some pretty important ones, that will make our lives easier.