Stop mail spy pixel tracking on Mac Desktop in Apple Mail with this Plug In


This awesome little plug in for Apple Mail, MailTrackerBlocker hosted at Github is a must install. If you don’t know, companies install something called a tracker pixel into the html of an e-mail they send you, and when it loads the image off their server they can track your location and often more information. These spy pixels should be illegal, but they aren’t so do what you can to stop them!

Honestly I would think Apple would do something about them, and especially on the iPhone and iPad. They are so into not letting companies track, then they should stop this insidious behavior. At least you can do something about it on the desktop.

It is scary how many e-mails have these built in trackers, which you can see once you install this app. Basically every e-mail with html formatting has one. 

Patently Apple has spotted a change in apple’s trademark on Final Cut Pro X in Europe that could mean a subscription is coming

The web site Patently Apple has posted an article about a change in Final Cut Pro X’s trademark in Europe that could open the door to a Subscription model.

Now this has been one of the great things about Final Cut Pro X, if you bought it once you own it for good, and that is how DaVinci Resolve works, but Premiere Pro from Adobe is a subscription service. 

The question does Apple just subsidize Final Cut Pro X with computer sales, or do they want it to make some money and make it subscription. I understand wanting it to pay for some of it’s development costs, but if they are going to do that I expect updates, and fixes.

Honestly I think a better idea is to have upgrade fees to new versions, not full price, but pay for the upgrade how things used to be. I can justify the subscription to Adobe as I make my living using it, as very few companies edit in Final Cut Pro X. I think they should update the App store to allow upgrades instead of just subscriptions, or full priced new versions.

And with a subscription Apple has better take a long hard look, and start looking into the many issues the program has as I have posted about before. If they go subscription I want them to seriously be developing, and it would be nice to have forums that the developers actually read and work on issues that professionals are having.

It is funny to see so much outrage, and how everyone will now move to DaVinci. Well as a professional, since both AVID and Premiere are subscription, I am totally used to it. I will get a month to month as needed and it won’t bother me, but I won’t keep the subscription around because I see it having too many problems that I just don’t think they will every fix or even care about. If I need it I would get it basically.

Reuben Evans at OWC’s Tech Talk Blog on what Top Pros want from Apple as a Platform

OWC’s Tech Talk blog has an article with Top Video Pros Weight In On Where Apple Should Take Its Platform

It is a good article, if a little too FCP X focused overall. I made my huge post on the problems that I have with extensive use of FCP X, and I wish Apple would deal with them before adding too much else, though collaborative editing might help with some of my complaints quite a bit, but there are still so many to go into.

I totally agree that Apple needs to knock it out of the park with a GPU, but not just for Cinema4D, but also for Premiere Pro (as well as DaVinci). And yea the CPU needs to really stomp ass with After Effects for sure.

An updated XDR display should happen quickly, and the new version should also be the basis for a new iMac Pro.

And yes the Afterburner card needs to be able to decode different codecs as well, not just ProRES, and that should also be either added to the iMac, or make a breakout box with BlackMagic and include the tech in that along with an HDMI out and in.

I really do wish I could afford a MacPro, though with the M1, it calls it into question. Be really weird if Apple ends up with the MacPro as the only Intel Mac, and a medium machine like the article calls for as M1.

In Apple Mail if I sort by new messages on the bottom (an old habit from using Eudora years ago) why does it scroll to the top every time it is opened?


In Apple Mail if I sort by Date, and Oldest Message On top, so newest messages are on the bottom (admittedly a habit I developed from years of using the mail program Eudora), when I open Mail the sorting should not scroll to the top, but the bottom.

I mean seriously Apple. I know you want me to have newest at the top, but if you are going to actively try to make me change why not just remove the ability to sort in a different order?

Apple app updates only compatible with Big Sur, but showing up in Catalina, and continuing to give notifications of updates is incredibly annoying

So I am running Catalina 10.15.7.


But Apple keeps sending me Updates Available, but the only available update is for Garage Band, which the update only works in Big Sur. I know they want me to move to Big Sur, but I literally can’t.

And the reasons I can’t just update to Big Sur are many. First off Catalina is running very well right now, but also I am on a job that uses Adobe Premiere Pro 2019 13.1.5, and I haven’t seen anything that shows that it runs in Big Sur. And while I would rather move to a newer version, that is what they are running at the company.

So Apple TV+ shows are glitching on their Dolby Atmos mixes for me

 So I have an Apple TV 4K and when watching shows on Apple TV+ with an Atmos mix, the center audio channel will jump to the left or sometimes right for a few seconds at a time. This us especially noticeable  with narration, and is very distracting.

I have a Sony Receiver and it works great with Atmos with blu-rays, and I haven’t noticed the issue anywhere else except Apple TV+ programs. And if I turn off Atmos the problem goes away. I doubt it is the internet connection either as I have a 1TB fiber connection. 

I have seen others say they had the same issue but with Netflix on Apple TV, but I only have the issue with Apple TV+ shows. I have posted myself, but not gotten any response

AppleInsider is reporting that a new iMac Pro is going to come out in 2021 with M1 Hardware

 So AppleInsider is saying that a component manufacturer is saying there will be a new iMac Pro in 2021, which is good news. As the article says the iMac Pro could easily have been a stopgap machine while they waited for the new MacPro, but having one I can say I am happy there will be a new one.

It is a powerful machine, and it will answer the question of if Apple is going to have external GPU’s or rely on their on chip M1 Graphics for their Pro machines.

Of course I am on the side of wanting support for PCI based GPU’s, as Apple has does not have any experience making high end pro graphics cards, and I would be much happier having that than a ramped up iPad chip, unless they really ramp it up significantly. I also would like to see video RAM instead of the M1’s shared RAM, which sure is fast, but straight video ram is going to be faster, and better for high end.

Just check out Bare Feats tests on DaVinci Resolve 17.1 Beta 4 (For M1 Macs) that is blown out of the water by an IMac Pro and even more so by a 2019 Mac Pro.

Bare Feats does speed tests on M1 MacBook Pro on DaVinci Resolve 17 and it shows the power of GPUs


Bare Feats has run speed comparison tests with DaVinci Resolve 17.0 beta 4 on the m1 MacBook Pro and the 2017 iMac Pro, 2 variations of the 2019 MacPro and the 2013 MacPro.

And the results are not surprising, the M1 currently gets stomped in 4K Noise Reduction by more than 2x, almost 3x for the slowest Mac (the 2017 iMac Pro Pro Vega 64).

And at least currently it seems to show the power of GPU adds to Macs, over what the M1 can do. Now surely the M1 will scale, but we will have to see just how far it goes.

OWC Rocketyard Blog on M1 Macs actually having 2 Thunderbolt busses with only 2 ports


The OWC RocketYard Blog has a really interesting article on how the new M1 Macs actually have 2 thunderbolt busses even though they only have 2 ports. This is unlike previous Thunderbolt macs which had 4 thunderbolt ports, but only 2 busses, with 2 ports split on each bus. The new M1 Macs have only 2 ports but 2 busses, and with the new ability to use USB4 Hubs to split thunderbolt you can have the more ports.

SoftRaid Beta 6 is out and works on Big Sur!

Woohooo! Softraid has publicly release it’s SoftRaid 6 beta with support for Big Sur and M1 Macs!  This is huge news, as I can never move to an operating system until SoftRaid supports it, as I can’t work without my RAID.

And it already has the Final Release of the SoftRaid Version 6 Driver included, so a RAID should be fully supported.

SoftRaid is mandatory for a RAID on a mac, so I could not be more happy about this. 

And they are working on M1 support, but it obviously couldn’t be out with development Macs as they didn’t include thunderbolt ports, so you couldn’t test thunderbolt connectivity, but are working on it now.