9to5Mac on LumaFusion adding a full multicam editor to LumaFusion for iPhone and iPad

From Fernando Silva at 9to5Mac.

LumaFusion is really the first normal video editing program on the iPad that works like AVID and Premiere Pro (Not Final Cut Pro) and it just keeps getting better and more powerful.

I have edited on it and it was well worth using, though of course I love keyboard editing the most, so the iPad will always be a second class editor.

ProVideoCoalition on LumaFusion 3 for iPad added Stabilization and external hard drive support

Jose Antunes has an article at ProVideoCoalition on the recently released upgrade to LumaFusion for iPad, version 3.0. The update includes stabilization software from CoreMelt, and the ability to use external drives, especially for the new iPad Pro with USB 4.0. It also has a new graphic equalizer.

I have actually used LumaFusion as it is the most standard type editing program on iPad, if you can use Premiere or AVID you can easily use LumaFusion. It is well worth it’s $29.95 price.